*Author Note*

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Hey Everyone! Thanks so much to everyone for all the support! When I started this story, I had no idea it would take off like it did, and to be honest, I'm so surprised. But Thanks SO much.

So I lined up everything for the rest of the story, and believe it or not, there are only 11 Chapters left. And if no one knew yet, there WILL be a sequal. Its called "What Doesn't Kill Us" and yes, I got it after I listened to that Kelly Clarkson song.

I'm excited to start because some things are going to happen you probably won't see coming :) Hehe. I also wanted to say sorry for being bad about updating, but it was hecktic these past days because I graduated and stuff. So yeah. Everything is back to normal until Junne 17. Then I can't post for 5-7 days.....


So The picture to the right is me >>>>

The video is Kelly Clarkson....I loveee it.

Bye for now! Updating tomorrow! :)

~Lizzie :) xx

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