Chapter 13

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So tonight, we had another big get together. We all sat in the guys livingroom thinking of what to do.

"Okay everyone. What does everyone want to do?" Liam asks all of us.

"Truth or Dare?" Alexa suggests.

We all shake our heads in approval.

"To make it more interesting" Harry says and walks into the kitchen. He comes back in the room with a Vodka bottle in his hand. "We use this."

"Seriously?" I ask

"Oh yeah." he smiles.

"Well, is everyone over 18?" Liam asks.


"Okay. I'll be honest, but I can't drink." he says.

"That's alright. So who goes first?" Alexa asks.

"How about Ari?"

"Fine." she takes the bottle from Harry and takes a drink.

"Okay." Louis starts. "Do you miss Zayn at all?"

"Hm. That's a hard one. Kinda, but not a ton."

"Okay. Pass the bottle to me." Louis says.

She gives him the bottle and he takes a sip.

"What is the worst thing you've ever done?"

"Hm. That's a hard one. When I was dating Hannah, we got drunk and it just went downhill from there."

My eyes widen. "You-and Hannah?"

"Yeah. Got caught up in the moment babe."

Tears form in my eyes, but I fight them. This was just a game.

"Okay Rachel, your turn."

I take the bottle and take a small drink of the liquid. It stings going down, but it does something wacky to my system.

"Rachel, what's the worst thing you've ever thought?"

"Hm. A couple days ago, Harry looked pretty sexy. So I thought about him a lot, but I knew Ally was with him, so I didn't do anything."

"Rachel!" Allison yells.

Harry just laughs. "Shes heading toward the drunk road Allison."

"Fine whatever."

The rest of the game was getting more and more blurry each round. Whatever I said I didn't really think about at all, and I didn't really care what other people wouldve thought.

We all started laughing hysterically, and turned on the radio and we danced.

"You look very nice tonight." Louis says and we slow dance and tumble and the same time.

"Thank you. You look pretty good yourself."

We danced until we collapsed and the only thing I remember is me falling asleep on Louis' chest.


My head pounded even before I opened me eyes. It felt like an earthquake inside my head, the pain increasing.

I opened my eyes and groaned in pain. 

My head was on top of a pillow in the guest bed. I was alone.

Someone opened the door and stuck their head inside. It was Liam.

"Good Morning sunshine." he says and enters the room.

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