Chapter 28

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It's nearly been a week and Louis hasn't called. Not a simple text saying "I miss you" "Love You" "I'l call you later". Nothing.

What was going on? Why was he acting like this?

It was a late Friday afternoon, and Marissa and I were sitting in our dorm, relaxing and talking. We've become great friends in the past week, only about as close as two people can get in that amount of time.

"Marissa, I'm worried." I say.

"How come? And about what?"

"Louis. He hasn't called or texted me in a week."

"Ah. Well maybe we need to get your mind off him."

"That's gonna be hard."

"Depends." she says smiles.

I smile and pull out my laptop, just to check for the slimmest chance to see if the guys would be on Skype.

"Please." I whispered to myself as I logged on.

I looked frantically to see if Louis was on, and of course he wasn't.

"What is going on with him?" I say, closing my laptop.

"Boys are dicks." Marissa says, not looking up from her book.

"No kidding."

"Hey, comon. Boys aren't the world. Let's go do something to get your mind off that dickwad off your mind. If your not on his, why should he be on yours?"

"Fine. But I'm going to get to the bottom of this sooner or later." I say.

"Let's go with later. What do you want to do?"

"What is there to do?"

"Have you seen Dark Knight Rises?" she asks.

"No. But I want to."

"Then that's what we'll do. Go to the movies and stuff ourselves with their crap food."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"Christian Bale is hot anyway."

"You can say that again."

"Christian Bale is hot anyway." she says and laughs.

"I didn't mean it literally, but whatever. Let's go." I say, putting on my TOMS and grabbing my phone.


We head out of the dorm, headed down to the lobby and took Marissa's white Bug to the movies. Maybe all what I needed was a day out with someone besides Louis.

"Two tickets for 5:30 show for Dark Night rises." Marissa said, handing the cashier her card.

"I can pay for my own ticket." I insist.

"No. It's on me."

I sigh.

"Third teather on your right." she says, handing us our tickets.

We head over to the consession area, and waited for someone to serve us.

A guy about our age, who I have to say was very attractive, asked what we wanted. His dirty blonde hair and blue eyes were hard to go unnoticed, and it was embarassing because he asked me what I wanted while I was staring at him.

"Rachel!" Marissa, elbowed me in the side, bringing me back out of la la land.

"Oh um, Medium popcorn, Mountain Dew, and Sour Patch Kids." I say quickly.

"Alright. Sounds good ladies." he smiles, getting us our fat food.

"Rach, were you staring at him?" she whispers.

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