Chapter 7

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Aisha P.O.V
As we were walking through the beautiful town filled with shops, life, and that old yet modern feel, Uthman and I spoke of so much. We spoke of deen, of life, of our dreams, of hopes. Anything that came to mind, we had a conversation about it. Uthman, turns out, wasn't always this rich and popular. He used to be a jerk to people, but he decided to become more classy, as he put it. I could see the passion he had for life, for anything. He was so full of emotion. He loved to write poems, but his father wasn't approving of that hobby.

"You should keep writing poems, Uthman. I would love to hear them sometime," I tried to encourage him.

"I don't know..."

"For me?"

"I'll try."

I knew that Uthman's father was very demanding of him and expected certain qualities. Uthman always found it hard to stick to those qualities. I knew what he meant. Each human being had their own personality. Even my personality was a bit different compared to his, thought we had quite a lot in common.

Eventually, I got tired of feeling like Aunties were somewhere nearby, prepared to snitch on me. I took Uthman's hand in mine, and we both walked like that for the rest of the time. I could tell he was a bit shocked at first, but eventually, I could tell he was glad I did so.

"I don't know if my parents can come to the wedding," Uthman said.

"How come?"

"Visas. They take more than six months," Uthman sighed.

"I wish I could've met them. That sucks. I'm sure that we can record it and send it to them, right?" I asked him, in some attempt to make him feel better.

"Yeah. We can definitely do that. I'm just a bit saddened. I haven't seen them in forever," Uthman shrugged.

"It's okay. Allah will make it work somehow."

"I sure hope it works out."

"We should get going. The dinner starts in an hour. The place is far from here," I glanced at Uthman's watch.

"You're right. Let's get going now," Uthman nodded. We both started back, and I could've sworn that out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone or something watching me. I brushed it off as just paranoia, but the truth was, I know I saw something.

Uthman P.O.V
Aisha's parents were amazing people. They were very supportive of Aisha, and we all got along well. It also seemed like Aisha's father supported her every choice in life. This was so contrary to my father, who didn't really support my choices like wanting to write and read more than play soccer for example.

My most hated memory was when I was in high school, and my father forced me to join the soccer team. I had never felt more anger before in my life. He made me workout every single day to prepare for it. I didn't enjoy it at all. I was more of the kid who just liked to write and was more into art than sports. Of course, when my father let me take over the company, I was finally in a place where I could do what I pleased. It was clothing design, therefore I could draw and design and use colors. It was a place where I could get away from judgement and to be creative.

We engaged in lots of conversations at dinner, but when it was time to part, I felt so annoyed for some reason. I was enjoying time with Aisha. We embraced for a quick second and then parted ways. As I drove home, I pondered over a lot of things. For one, Aisha seemed very troubled at dinner. I tried to get her to tell me why, but she wouldn't respond to that question. I figured that she wasn't even bothered and that she was just tired.

I pulled into my garage and locked the car. I got inside my home, which was awfully cold. I cursed myself for not fixing the thermostat earlier when I was outside. I turned the temperature up a little and sat down on the couch. I didn't feel like changing into my pajamas so I just sat in my suit and tie for about a half hour until the house finally heated up.

I was stuffed after that place. It was an open buffet steak house, and me being the person I was, could not say no to open buffets. It's simply not physically possible with me.

I finally changed and got ready for bed. I usually slept early, but that was so that I could be awake for work. Yet today, I just sat in bed. I had a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. Something was amiss. I sat up and stared at the ceiling. What was it that was bothering me? What was it?


Abdullah P.O.V
I worried about a lot of things in life. But one thing I was worrying about at the moment was the strange looking man standing outside of Starbucks. He looked like he was expecting something or someone. I didn't know why, but I got a bad feeling about the way he was just standing there and looking around. I took in his features- big muscles, tattoos everywhere, slouching pants, and a white shirt. He turned his head from side to side occasionally.

I decided I'd just let it go. It was stupid to keep lingering on the subject. There are weird people everywhere. I was probably just judging him. I didn't even know the guy, so it was awfully rude of me to think about him in a negative light just because of his tattoos or something.

I started to walk, when I saw Omar out of the corner of my eye. He was talking on the phone with someone, and he looked so refreshed that day. It was probably because we were on break.

"Hey, Omar," I waved to him.

"Salam, Abdullah. I'm on the phone with my mom, so I'll talk to you later," Omar whispered.

"Okay, see you around," I grinned, but I was feeling awfully bored inside. I decided that I'd just go for a walk and see where my mind decides to go.

Aisha P.O.V
That day I decided to go take a walk and get some fresh air. I had never felt so relaxed before in my life. I wanted to call Uthman, but I figured he was busy at work.

As I was walking, I found myself walking through a more quiet street in town. I started to turn around, but all of a sudden, I felt a large object hit right into my head. I felt dizzy, and warm liquid felt like it was flowing. My ears churned, and I found myself falling to the ground.

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