Chapter 15

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Uthman P.O.V
I could not believe what I had just done. I was capable of doing such a thing? To Aisha? I sat there, on the driveway, not able to comprehend what just happened. She was gone.

I heard my phone buzzing, and saw the number to be something I didn't know. I answered it anyways.

"Hello?" I asked, expecting some telemarketer.

"Is this Mr. Sufyan?" The caller asked. She seemed to be speaking in an urgent tone.

"Yes ma'am," I replied.

"Something has happened... your wife, Aisha Al Qamar, was in a terrible accident. She's in the hospital, in surgery. She's in critical condition. I'm sorry I had to be the bearer of bad news," the lady replied.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"Your wife was in a potentially fatal accident."

I didn't want to believe it. I couldn't believe it to be honest. I was shocked, unaware of what I was even feeling at the moment. I hung up without another word, got dressed, and drove down to the hospital. I rushed through the halls until I got to the reception desk.

"Where is Aisha Al Qamar being operated on?" I asked without even thinking.

"You must be Mr. Sufyan. She's on the third floor. You can't go in to the operating room. She'll be in recovery on the third floor as well."

"What happened to her?" I felt tears forming.

"She was in a severe accident. I'm so sorry," the lady replied.

Without saying anything else, I rushed to the third floor, using the stairs. I emerged on that floor. I saw Aisha's parents there. Aisha's mom was red eyed and wailing. She sobbed and threw herself into Abu Aisha's arms. He was crying as well, but trying to comfort his wife as well.

"Uthman! Uthman! Ya Uthman! My poor daughter! She's going to die!" Um Aisha screamed when she saw me. I didn't want to believe her. I refused to believe her. No. The Aisha I knew would fight. She wouldn't succumb.

"Ya Allah, how could this have happened?" Abu Aisha asked, looking up, pleading with Allah.

The shock finally set in. Aisha was dying. I was the reason. She was distraught and got into a car crash after I slapped her for no reason. I sunk to my knees, my heart pounding against my chest. My body felt weak. My brain felt like it was about to explode. Um Aisha kept wailing and wailing. She screamed for the surgeons to save her daughter. I sat against the wall, waiting for a sign, something, anything.

We were in that waiting room for ten hours straight. None of us knew what was happening to her in there. I feared the inevitable. I feared that she would die. I feared that I would never see her smiling face again. Her laugh. Her beautiful face. I stared up at the clock every few minutes. Time seemed to be slowing down. Every minute seemed like an hour.

I then saw a man wearing scrubs come in. I sat up expectantly. Good news. Please good news.

"I've got good and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" The doctor asked us.

"Good," I jumped in to speak immediately.

"She survived and is recovering right now. Bad news. All of her ribs were nearly shattered. She had multiple lacerations all over her body. Metal and glass had penetrated her skin, and some metal was lodged internally. One of her lungs and her kidney were severely damaged. She lost a lot of blood in the accident. Her head was struck several times, giving her a severe concussion. She had broken bones everywhere. One of her eyes was almost fully damaged. She had internal bleeding, not in the brain luckily. She ask suffered a fractured skull. She will have permanent scars all over her abdomen, chest, and back. Luckily, the scars on the face will go."

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