Chapter 19

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Aisha P.O.V
I was beyond confused at the moment. Why was I in a hospital? Why did it hurt to move? What had happened? How long was I asleep? Uthman looked dead tired sitting there. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what exactly to say.

He had dark circles under his eyes, his eyes themselves were red, he yawned all the time, he looked horrible basically.

Finally, after minutes of not saying a word, I spoke to him.


His gaze shot up from the floor to where I was. I could see that he was a bit startled.

"What's going on?" I added.

"Aisha? Please tell me this isn't a dream," Uthman said with a pleading tone in his voice.

"It's no dream, as far as I know. What happened to me?"

"You were in a bad accident. You're fine now, don't worry about a thing," Uthman gave me a smile, but it was a forced one. Something bad had to have happened. Something that was killing him inside.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"Not long. A few days," Uthman responded. He was lying. I could see it in his eyes, but I didn't say a thing.

"Your eyes are so red, Uthman. You haven't slept at all, have you?"

"Don't fret about me. Right now, I'm just concerned about you, habibti," he said to me, as if that word was so strange to say.

"Uthman, you're guilty about something, aren't you?"

"No. Not at all. Don't worry about how I'm feeling," Uthman said to me. Something about him was so off. He was usually full of pride and confidence. Today, it seemed like all that had been killed.

"So, how bad was it? The accident?"

"You can see right through me, can't you? I feel so guilty right now. My entire heart feels like it's just done for," Uthman said suddenly.


"I hurt you so badly. You only got into that accident because of what I did," Uthman said in a troubled voice.

It all came back to me. The slap. The smash of the cars. All this time, he had been torn apart because of what he did. I noted that a few tears were streaking down his cheeks.

"Hey, Uthman?" I started. He looked up at me, "I forgive you, Uthman."

He looked at me in shock, almost as if he wasn't expecting that response.

"You forgive me?" He asked in surprise.

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"

"It's just, I hurt you. I feel like a horrible person," Uthman looked away from me, guilt in his eyes.

I laughed, "Why must you be so serious about everything, Uthman? I forgive you."

He gave me a small smile and finally looked into my eyes. I heard his phone ringing. He grabbed it and answered, an expectant look on his face.

"Hala, Baba," Uthman smiled as he spoke.

I recalled that Uthman told me his father was dying. It seemed as though he wasn't. I was a bit confused.

"Yeah! Aisha's awake now. Of course I'm glad. I'm beyond glad," Uthman said. He looked a bit more cheerful than usual.

"Is he doing good?" I whispered. Uthman nodded his head.

After Uthman hung up, he explained to me how his father had gotten cancer, and that he had gone through a surgery that saved his life.

"Elhamdollah," I said.

"Aisha, I have to apologize to you. Apologize for a lot of things actually. I'm sorry for acting like a jerk all these years. I'm sorry I didn't listen to you whenever you urged me to quit drinking and skipping prayers. I'm sorry I came home drunk as hell sometimes, and I'm sorry for anything I've said or done to you during those nights. I'm sorry for not being there for you all the time. I love you, Aisha. I love you as much as when we first got married, and more. I love you."

"I accept all of your apologies, and I hope you know that no matter what, I always loved you the same. Even if some of the things you had said to me hurt, I loved you. I still love you, Uthman. I know you can change. I know you have the potential," I replied. I was glad that he finally said something.

"Your friend Abdullah works here. He's the guy that finally convinced me to pray again. He's got some aura around him that makes him special. You'd think he's like an angel sent down from Allah to encourage people to be better Muslims," Uthman laughed light heartedly.

"Abdullah? He's here?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah. He might be coming in soon. Why?"

"He and I were friends in college. He helped me out when Fatima had taken my car."

"That's nice. I'm glad he was good to you," Uthman responded.

"I'm glad too."

Abdullah P.O.V
Some days, I sit down and wonder why certain things happened the way they do.

And other days, I don't.

One thing is clear, I know that my meeting Aisha and Uthman was meant to be in the end. Even if love would never come to me, my purpose in life was clear to me. Uthman, I had helped him become a better Muslim once again. Aisha, I am grateful for the kind person she was to me.

I had a rough past, but I fixed myself. It was meant to be that my life worked out to be the way it did.

It was meant to be.

Uthman P.O.V
Hearing Aisha's voice once again made me think. Think quite a bit, actually.

For one, it was meant to be that I had met Aisha and got married to her. If I had not done that, who knows the path I could've gone down. She kept me in check. She also gave me something I never dreamed of getting-love.

It was meant to be that I had met Abdullah. Without him, I would have never become a better Muslim.

It was meant to be.

Aisha P.O.V
It was almost like a dream sitting in that hospital room, knowing I could've been dead.

At the same time, it gave me time to think. It was truly meant to be that I had met Uthman. Although he and I faced problems, we both gave each other happiness, joy, and love.

It was meant to be that Abdullah and I met. He offered me a lasting friendship. He helped me see the fault in the way I felt about myself sometimes.

It was meant to be.

Well, that's it.

What a journey it has been.

Don't fret, I will be back soon with another story!

I may or may not edit this one. For now, it's completed.

Thanks for reading and voting. Thanks so much guys!

Salam, for now!

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