Chapter 9

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Aisha P.O.V
One day had passed. One more day until they would end my life. End it forever. I hung my head, feeling the area where Shaun had slammed me against the wall throb and burn. I could hear nothing but my own breaths and the soft drops of water as they crashed against the hard and rocky earth. I felt cold, tired, and hungry. They would not even allow me to drink water, use the restroom, or eat a single bite. I felt horribly miserable.

Shaun came in with a large pizza slice in his hand. He began to mockingly eat it in front of me. I did not look at him. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction of breaking my will. I was still convinced that I was getting out of here. I sighed quietly. What could I possibly do? This wasn't some story where the knight in shining armour comes down from the sky in a ball of light and slays the bad guys before they kill the princess. This was real life. This was not a story.

I felt like screaming at the top of my lungs. I want my throat to feel raw. I wanted to scream so loud, that the world would hear my screams. I wanted to cry. I wanted to slam Shaun's ugly donkey face into a wall until he bled. I wanted to slam the chair and burn the binds. I wanted to destroy those disgusting and damp gray walls around me. I just wanted to burn the entire house to the ground. I got enraged at every move that disgusting pig across from me made. I glared daggers at him, and he noticed. 

"What's wrong?" He mockingly joked.

No. I was not going to wait for my knight. Hell no. I was going to take matters into my own hands. I was going to save myself. I was going to survive. I dug into part of the rope with my nail. It was cheap rope. I began to pull the rope as hard as I could by making my wrists go in opposite directions. I decided I could get my legs out easier. I wriggled them and eventually got one ankle loose. The other one wouldn't budge. My wrists wouldn't budge either.

"What are you doing?" Shaun looked at me as if I was possessed or something. I didn't even acknowledge that he said a word. I kept attacking the ropes around my wrists with my nails.

Then, the devil, Ron came in.

"It's been a day, and Sufyan ain't here yet. Darn. You know what happens after day one?" Ron laughed.

I gave him a wide smile, which infuriated him.

"Unite her," Ron demanded.

Shaun began to do so, and I fell right out of the chair. Perfect! I had a chance to get out. Ron edged closer to me, but I had a large surge of adrenaline and I kicked Ron right into the gut. He double over in pain, but freaking Shaun grabbed me and threw me to the floor, pinning my chest down. I bit my lip. What could I possibly do now? I kicked Shaun in the back and he got off of me, howling. I grabbed the chair and threw it straight at Ron. It slammed him directly in the head, knocking him out cold.

Shaun, however, wasn't done with me, and he kicked me so hard, I almost threw up. Then he shoved me to the ground.

"You think you can win? Hu?" He grinned as he towered over me.

I had put up such a fight. I had.

Uthman P.O.V
I hadn't slept for hours, and I felt utterly exhausted, but I couldn't stop driving. I was so close to San Francisco. I was just fifteen minutes away. I had no clue where I was going, but I decided I'd stop at the police station that was close to the sketchy areas of town.

I worried for Aisha. No, worry is an understatement. I felt beyond worried. I was shaking, in pain, and every once in a while, I felt a surge of anger run through me. I did not want to imagine what was happening to her at the moment. I did not want to think about it at all. I just hoped she was alive. That was all I hoped for. I also hoped that they had not raped her or touched her in any way violating. They had no right. My grip on the steering wheel tightened until my knuckles went white.

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