Author's Note/Update

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Okay, let me start by saying, WOW!

I've hit 12k reads on this!! I'm honestly so happy as an author to see so much support and love from you guys! I appreciate every single one of you for reading this and taking time to check out my writings.

I have some awesome news as well!

I have published two novels this year. One of them is called The Guild of Doom and it's the first book in a dark/high fantasy series called The Doom Saga. A preview for it is up on Wattpad currently. This series is honestly the closest and most prized to my heart. I've been working on making it amazing for years and I'm so glad to finally be able to share it with everyone out there. It's available for sale on Kobo currently.

The second novel—which just got released today—is called Malware. A preview for it is up on Wattpad as well, but it's been edited quite a bit. It's a political sci-fi thriller about a hacker who gets mixed up in some seriously deadly stuff. It's for sale for only $0.99 USD on Amazon.

I just want to thank you all for your support once again. I'm so happy to see so many readers enjoy my works. As an author with a passion for the art of writing, a read is an honor to me. It says a lot. It means that you enjoyed what I put time into.

Thank you again. Stay healthy and stay safe.


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