Chapter 5

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What happened? And why am I in shackles?

My eyes bolt open as I remember everything. It all comes back in a hideous flood. I remember being stranded on a creepy street with Melony, then two guys came out of an alley and dragged me into darkness.

I move my arms, but realize my hands and feet are contained in metal shackles. My limbs are spread out, I'm on some sort of upright metal table, and the room is dark. I have several IV's in my arms. I realize my clothes are different; I'm in some sort of black sports tank top, and long black leggings. I'm not entirely sure what I'm wearing. I shudder at the thought of someone changing my clothes. My hair is loose and messy.

Where did they take me? I struggle against the shackles but it's no use. Whoever put me in here has pretty good security. I'm not in much pain at the moment, so I guess I got lucky last night. But that still remains to be seen.

Tears form in my eyes as I think about how worried my parents probably are right now. After everything they've done, I let it happen again. I silently cry in shame. How could I let this happen again?! Me and my stupid muteness, always making life harder for everyone else. I just hope they'll forgive me for putting them through so much fear.

I think of Mel, who's probably losing her mind thinking I'm dead or something. She probably blames herself, but I let her walk to that store, leaving me to deal with the two thugs. I really hope my parents don't get angry with her. I can't imagine how worried Dustin is right now. He's always been super protective of me. I wonder if they're looking for me. Can they even find me?

Where even am I?

I hear a door open and close, and then several white lights turn on and I shut my eyes from the brightness. When I'm finally able to open my eyes again, I can see a man with sunken eyes and probably the ugliest bowl cut I've ever seen. He wears a lab coat, which I know is a bad sign. He looks rather thin, even in his lab coat.

"I assume your trip here was a nice one," he says in a quiet, disturbing voice. "Oh, right, you weren't awake for that part."

His dark chuckle makes my stomach turn. I want to say something, but my hands are locked up, and I don't know if he'll understand if I blink in Morse code. Not that I think he'd care anyway.

"I apologize for the terms of your retrieval. Willing test subjects are so hard to come by, especially in my line of work." I get extremely nervous at his words. Test subjects? For what? I don't want any part in his 'line of work'.

"Would you mind telling me your name?" he asks. "This'll be so much easier if I have something to call you."

Of course I can't reply, so I simply shake my head. It really sucks not to be able to respond. Especially when I can't use ASL either.

"Ah, you must be one of those strong, silent types."

Strong, no. Silent, yes. Unfortunately.

"We'll have to fix that," he says, walking over to what looks like a control panel where I'm shackled. He turns a dial just a hair, then presses a button.


For what feels like an eternity, all I feel is a surging, electric pain through my body like I've been struck by lightning. I shut my eyes and my face tightens. My body writhes in pain. I can hear the electricity crackling as it burns through my body. I open my mouth as if to scream, but not even a groan of pain escapes my lips. This is the worst pain I've ever felt. I'm going to die, I think. This is how I'm to die.

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