Chapter 16

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Talk about the most embarrassing moment of my life. Regardless of whether M'gann saw anything or not, she knew something was up. Though I'm still surprised and impressed at how well Nightwing was at covering it up.

I'm glad it was M'gann and not someone like Kid Flash. I've only been here for about a week, but I've gathered that he can be a trouble maker.

Nightwing played it off well, but there's still a tension that can be cut with a knife. I can't believe I fell asleep on his shoulder! How could I be so stupid? I could at least leaned my head the other way so it wouldn't be so awkward. But no, I just had to be an idiot. Now he probably thinks I like him or something, which I definitely do not! At least I don't think I do.

Whatever. I just have to forget it and move on.

M'gann makes eggs and toast for the three of us. When the rest of the team comes in, they meander around the kitchen getting their own breakfast. I can't wait to get training, if for no other reason than I need to distract myself. From Nightwing and the nightmares. I'm actually relieved when Black Canary finally shows up to start training.

Until she informs me we'll be practicing density shifting.

I was really hoping to put this off as long as possible. I begrudgingly get up and head to my room to change into my fire-resistant training uniform. Once I'm done, I head to the training room. M'gann and Nightwing are there too. I notice Nightwing has changed into his suit as well. Aqualad isn't here, probably because I won't be practicing my pyrokinesis today and won't need a counterbalance.

"I know you're weary about using your powers, but that's the only way you'll learn to control them," Black Canary says reassuringly once we reach the training room. A large wooden board is set up right in the middle of the fighting ring. I guess I'll be sticking my arm through this. "In order to have control over them you have to accept them."

I nod, only because it will move things along. M'gann steps forward.

"Black Canary asked me to help you figure out how stimulate your density shifting voluntarily," she says. "We also want to help you build a level of control that doesn't require as much intense emotion."

"O-K," I respond. I do the same thing I've done every day for while and close my eyes in concentration. Except this time, I'm not imagining fire in my hand, I picture my hands being transparent. It's difficult, seeing as I've tried to block that image from my head all week. I think back to the memories that rouse up the greatest emotion in me, good or bad. Reluctantly, I see my nightmares in my mind's eye. I see all of the twisted memories and use them to dig into my power. I feel something within me, I can almost imagine it flowing from my mind to the rest of my body. Like a nerve traveling through me, the power overtakes me.

I open my eyes and look at my hands. They're transparent, and I don't know how to feel. I don't know whether to feel disturbed or proud of myself. I guess it's a mix of both. I look at the others, and while Nightwing an Black Canary still look a little wary, M'gann doesn't seemed surprised anymore.

"Go on, Willow," she encourages. It takes me a moment to snap out of my little trance and hear what she says. "Try to put your hand through the wood."

I nod slowly, making sure to keep my concentration. I walk up to the wall of wood, hesitating. What if my hand gets stuck? I tell myself. What if I can't pull it out?

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