Chapter 17

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I thought after meeting Batman and Black Canary I wouldn't be awestruck at meeting more. I was wrong.

Watching five of them, including Batman, walk through the Zeta-Tube makes me gasp. I wonder if I'll ever get over the feeling of meeting them. Nightwing and I stand up when the cave announces their entrance.

"Batman 02, Green Arrow 08, Flash 04, Red Tornado 16, Martian Manhunter 07."

I've already met Batman and Red Tornado. The other three I've never seen, at least not in real life. I give myself time to take it all it. I wipe my eyes, realizing how tired and pathetic I must look.

"We came as soon as we heard," Martian Manhunter says. "What happened?"

While Black Canary explains the situation, I take a moment to glance at the hoard of men tied up at the edge of the training ring. Zatanna cast a spell that would keep them in an unconscious state until we put them into custody. I look at Dr. Milo.

Why did he come back for me? What made him so desperate he had to break in to Mount Justice? Maybe he wanted to finish whatever experiment he was doing. I imagine what would happen if he ever did take me back. Would he give me more of M'gann's powers?

"Are you okay?"

It takes a moment for me to realize I'm being spoken to. I look back to the heroes. It was Flash who spoke. I nod, though I don't know if I'm telling the truth. How can I be okay after that?

"How did he find out where we are?" Artemis asks. I hope the Leaguers have an answer.

"I'm not sure," Batman responds. "But I have an idea."

"What?" Nightwing asks.

Batman turns to me, which makes me a little anxious. Talking to him is still unnerving.

"They may have placed a tracker on Willow while she was at Cadmus in the event she was ever rescued."

I look at him inquisitively. That can't be the answer. I would've felt the tracker on me.

"How? We scanned her for trackers and couldn't find anything," Black Canary says. I recall that day. It was the first day after I'd been rescued. They scanned for other injuries as well.

"She may have ingested it," Flash replies.

"I ate it?" I ask incredulously.

"It is possible for a microscopic tracer to be ingested through food or drink and be nearly untraceable," he answers. I wonder how he's always so stoic, even when their secret base was just infiltrated.

"Can we find it and destroy it?" Kid Flash asks. "Without hurting Willow, I mean."

"They likely caused it to self-destruct once they confirmed the location. Most likely, the tracker is so small it wouldn't have harmed Willow. To be safe, we can inject a solution into her bloodstream that would find the tracker and destroy it without hurting her."

I almost shudder Batman's words. I hate the thought of a tracer being inside me. I nod in agreement with his suggestion.

"When do you wanna do it?" Green Arrow asks.

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