Chapter 28

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M'gann's POV

M'gann entered the hangar as the Bio-Ship landed. She waited for the Team to exit the bay door before approaching them. M'gann stopped when she saw the disappointed looks on their faces.

"What happened?" she asked. "Did you find Bennett?"

Nightwing shook his head. "He wasn't there."

"What? He didn't even show up?"

"We don't know," Artemis replied, an edge of annoyance in her voice. "We got there, took down Cadmus and Freeze's men, but Bennett was long gone."

"Did you find any leads?" M'gann asked after letting the information sink in. There was a quiet pause and the Team glances at each other.

"One of the men said something about seeing someone before," Robin answered. "He said she was alone, and we think whoever she was might've taken Bennett."

"We're not certain of that yet," Aqualad corrected. "They were probably trying to throw us off guard and distract us from the real goal. All of them have been detained."

"Did you-" M'gann started.

"They're not the only ones who've been detained," a deep, familiar voice interrupted. M'gann turned and almost jumped when she saw Batman behind her. How long had he been there? The Team listened silently.

"Bennett was just taken into custody by the GCPD," Batman continued. The Team's eyes widened.

"What?!" Kid Flash cried. "Who brought him in?"

"Where did they find him?" Artemis asked incredulously.

"Some cops found him unconscious in an alley on Park Row." Batman and Nightwing exchanged a glance that M'gann couldn't decipher. "The police reported hearing a loud noise and seeing a burning trash bag in the street next to the alley. When they asked him what happened, he refused to answer. He's likely going to be convicted and sent to Blackgate."

"And they didn't find anything else?" Robin asked.

"Not yet," Batman answered. "What happened at the warehouse?"

Nightwing recounted the events at the warehouse to his former mentor. He explained the absence of Bennett, the stubborn silence of the henchmen, and the cryptic words about a third party.

"Do you think there might really have been a girl there before us?" Connor asked when Nightwing finished.

"Possibly," Batman replied. "If so, we need to find her. If she knew the deal was happening, and took Bennett, she may be after the same thing we are. If she's after Cadmus, it's likely she'll cross paths with you again. For now, we focus on locating Cadmus and Dr. Hamilton."

The Team nodded in agreement and they began going their separate ways. M'gann approached Connor.

"I'm sorry about the mission," said M'gann with a sigh. "I should have been there, I could've read their mind and we might actually have made some progress."

"Don't blame yourself," Connor reassured her as he hid his dismay behind a small smile. "You couldn't have known what was gonna happen. None of us could."

"I know, I just can't stand the thought of them being out there." M'gann shuddered at the thought. "What I saw... what they did to her..."

M'gann had to blink to prevent herself from crying. She didn't resist when Connor pulled her into a hug. She took several deep breaths, letting herself calm down in his arms.

"We'll find Dr. Hamilton, and we'll stop him and Cadmus for good." Connor's words were comforting, but M'gann couldn't shake the fear of what could happen if they didn't find them in time.

"I hope so," M'gann replied.


Willow's POV


Why did it have to be Blüdhaven?

I sigh as I change into my pajamas. Of course they'd be in the most crime-ridden city on the East Coast. Gotham is a utopia by comparison. If my parents ever found out I was out there, crime fighting, especially at night, I doubt they'd let me leave the house again.

Flying there would take an hour, and they wouldn't take well to costumed heroes on their terf. It would take forever to wade through the mobs and gangs and corruption just to find a Cadmus lab.

I examine myself for bruises or cuts, and find very few. I'll have to use foundation to cover them up, but I guess it's part of the job. I take off my makeup and hide my costume. I take off the wig and hide it as well, taking my hair out of its bun.

I can't believe I was so close to being seen. If Artemis had turned my way, she would've seen me. If they had caught me, eventually they would recognize me. The last thing I need is the Team on my trail.

I lay in bed, forcing myself to rest and save researching Blüdhaven for tomorrow.


The sky is brighter than it's ever been. I fly through the air, and I think if I reach out I might touch the stars. My ginger hair flows behind me as I watch the city from above. The city is alive and buzzing, not a crime in sight.

I turn to my left and see Nightwing. We soar together, and his smile sends flutters through my stomach. The sky goes on forever. I see the Team ahead of me. Where we're going, I don't know, and I don't see a reason to care. The thrill is enough.

We fly above Gotham, and I see a familiar place. I see that dark, forsaken place where fears rise from the dead and lurk within living shadows. Crime Alley is even worse than I remember.

Before I know it, I fall. I try to fly, but to no avail. I reach up to grab Nightwing, but the Team is gone. I fall from the stars into the darkness below.

The world shifts and I'm lying on an operation table. I'm strapped down, a blinding light above. I see their lifeless faces. Then I see him, his cruel face sending shudders through me. Dr. Milo says something I can't make out.

Before he can do whatever insane experiment he's planning, flames erupt and consume the lab. Soon all I can see is fire. I try to stop it, but it rages through the darkness, destroying anything in its path. I fall through the fiery pit, a seemingly endless fall. I sink through the ground, my breath becoming short. My chest grows tight and I want to scream. My mind cries in agony as I slip farther in to the blackness.

The fire reaches the car, and tears stream down my face as I watch the car and everything in it melt into nothing. I feel sweat across my face as the heat throbs. As my body falls through, the car sinks into the ground with me, the hot metal burning through soil and dirt and grime. I look for her, but she's already been consumed by the darkness.

I fall, alone, no way to save myself from the fire. I lose control as my eyes close and my heart stops beating.


Hey lovely readers!!!

Did you like this chapter? Will Willow ever overcome her nightmares? Who will find Cadmus first? How long can the Silent Phantom evade the Team? What will happen next?

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You guys really are the best for putting up with my procrastinating, perfectionist self. You're all troopers and honestly I'm thankful for every read and vote and comment cuz y'all have to put up with all these late updates.

Thanks again for reading and I can't wait to see you again next chapter!!


~ Mocha ☕️

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