Chapter Four

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"Luca mi Amiga!" Andrew yelled as he walked into my office.

"Can you keep it down," I said, knowing his loud voice could wake up Clara.

"Shit man don't tell me you're doing that zen bull ' ," he spoke louder.

"What the fuck Andrew keep it down," I said in a serious tone. He sat on the couch and kept his legs on the coffee table. Making him self very comfortable.

"Sorry man I am just really stoned," he said and started laughing.

"What do you want?"

"The Las Vegas hotel and club have been shut down. Apparently we violated some of the regulations. I am telling you Luca that detective is on to us, he almost found out about 'the business'. It's not soon until we go to jail," he explained. Andrew and I go way back, we are best friends, his more like the brother I never had. He takes care of my business in Las Vegas.

"Have you..."

"Yes we have researched about him; Married has one kid, lives here in New York."

"You know what to do," I told him. It's not the first time we had the law on our necks, and sure isn't going to be the last.

"Yes boss!" he said excitedly ."Your aunt has been trying to get a hold of you. She has been calling me asking about you,"

"I have been busy. I'll get back to her when I can," I said, and observed him for a moment. Andrew is so stoned, how did he even get here without stumbling. The guy is an addict, an addict to everything that makes him feel alive. He's parents died when he was young, been an orphan all his life. Found him on the streets beating him a man who stole from a lady, he would been dead if I didn't stop him. Honest, trustful and strong — qualities a gang member must have. Qualities Andrew has without question.

"Luca," she called out. Clara stood by the the door. I went to her.

"What is it?" I asked. Clara didn't talk, she just walked away.

"I'll see you around Luca. I see you have a really 'busy schedule'. I'll let myself out," he said and winked at me. I went to my bedroom and I found her staring outside the glass window.

"Clara," I called out her name. She turned around.

"I didn't mean to intrude. I didn't know you had company," she said, her arms crossed over her chest — head low.

"You didn't intrude anything Clara. So what did you need to tell me?"

"I need to go home," she spoke quietly.

"Is there something wrong?"

"I just don't know you. I am not comfortable here," she said and took a step back.

"How about you get to know me. Ask me anything," I told her - hopping that she would change her mind.

"Why did you sentence the whole club to death?" She asked almost in tears.

"I had no choice, my father ordered me too. My dad doesn't take no for an answer. He is a ruthless guy Clara," I lied to her. I knew telling her the truth would only drive her further away from me. I am a bad guy and if she knew about my true self she wouldn't think twice before walking out the door.

"You should have stood up to him," she said looking at me.

"It's not that easy."

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