Chapter Twenty

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Love is all I know
Love is all I feel
Love is what I see in your eyes
Love is you & me


I wore my dress, the dress Luca bought for me. I got out of the bathroom, Vanessa gasped in surprise in sight of me. "Oh Clara you look stunning," she said as she walked towards me. Vanessa too was already dressed, wearing a navy blue velvet dress, that hugged her body showing her figure.

My dress has flowery embroidery and puffy skirt. I love it. Looking in the mirror, I couldn't recognize the person who was staring back. Its like I have become a totally different person. I love my look, it's elegant and classy. It's almost 7:00, so we headed to the ball room. As soon as I got in the lights blinded my eyes, it was so bright, all the chandeliers were lit up. The beautiful flowers aligned around the ball room, it's just beautiful. I was admiring the walls of the room, as they had beautiful paintings on them. "My love," I look besides me, to see Luca wearing a tuxedo, he looks rather dashing. Luca kisses me on the cheeks and holds my hand. "You look absolutely, astoundingly gorgeous," he said.

"Thank you Lucas. You look very handsome tonight," I told him.

"It's been long..."


"You complimenting me," he said and smirked.

"Oh don't get used to it," I said and smiled. A lot of people started walking in, it was honestly an overwhelming feeling. I had never been in a ball before. Luca held my hand and didn't let go. He introduced me to his other family members and friends.

"Princess, let's dance," Luca whispered in my ear. I nodded my head approvingly. Luca lead me to the dance floor. He put his hand on my waist and the other held my right hand, my free hand laid on his shoulder. I looked into his eyes and thought of how lucky I'd become, how the odds are in my favor... "I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I replied, when he twirled me around.

"Mrs Lucas Salvador did I mention that you look breathtaking," he spoke, looking into my eyes.

"About a million times," I said.

Luca softly chuckled and pulled me in closer, he kissed me on my lips, a small, gentle and very meaningful kiss. The music stopped but it honestly didn't feel like it, I was lost, lost in his eyes where time had stopped. Slowly, Luca took off his hand off my waist, and held my hand. Luca's aunt started making an announcement in Spanish, I looked over my shoulder to look at Luca. His expression suddenly changed, looking annoyed and mad. I felt nauseous... I felt like puking. I let go of Luca's hand, I told him that I had to go to the bathroom. It was hard to get through the crowd of people, they all seemed to be indulged by Amelia's speech.

I got out of the ball room, I heard two distant voices arguing up the stairs, than a gun shot. Without thinking, I quickly ran out the main doors, I don't know where I was running too, but I just ran . My heart raced at a tremendous speed, breathing in and out but air wouldn't enter my lungs, the cool air passed my bare hands - goose bumps laminated on my arms. I ran not looking behind. I finally stopped, trying to catch my breath. I hugged myself trying to warm myself. Oh no... I turned around and I had ran away from the mansion. I was standing by a small pond, that was next to the stable. My feet started to throb, I didn't exactly wear appropriate shoes to run in. I sat on the ground and started crying, I couldn't help it. I was re-living a moment, that I try to forgot, but I can't seem too. My best friend...

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