Chapter Five

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I woke up early in the morning. It was very quiet and the sun hadn't come out yet. The clock read 5:00 o'clock. I sat on the bed wide awake and huanted by yesterday's memory.

Why did he kiss me? Your soul mate is the stranger you recognise. Was he talking about me... meaning Luca likes me. But I don't like him, maybe I was giving off the wrong signals. He misunderstood. I'll just explain to him that I don't like him — that's kind of rude. He has been pretty nice up until yesterday, when he made everything awkward.

Hours passed and it's now 7:00 o'clock. I heard a soft knock. The door slowly opened and it was Luca."Morning," he said.

"Morning," I greeted back - getting off the bed.

"I am sorry again about yesterday..." He said sincerely .

"Thank you for apologizing and everything else," I said.

"You're welcome. The driver is waiting down stairs for you."

"Yeah." I walked up to him and gave out my hand — for a handshake. I thought best to keep it fromal. I walked past him and went to the living room. "Clara your shoes," he said - and gave them to me.

"Thank you," I told him. He simply smiled and walked away. I waited for the elevator to come up. I got out of the hotel. It's Henry who will be driving me home. I greeted him and I got in the car. And it was only silence after that.

He dropped me home. I want to talk to the land Lord first and ask her to open the door for me. I don't have the keys to my apartment. The land lord is a really sweet old lady. I rang her door bell and she opened the door.

"Clara!" She said my name surprised.

"Hi Miss Hester," I said.

"Oh you are alive, I mean you are okay. Thank god. Avas parents came by two days ago and packed her stuff from the apartment and they asked about you and your parents also came by they were all really worried," Miss Hester said.

"Oh they did. Do you have any idea why Ava's parents packed up her things," I asked.

"No they didn't say much really," she replied.

"Miss Hester I don't have my spare keys would you... "

"Of course sweety. Let me get my keys," she said. She got the bunch of keys that could open all the doors in the building and we headed to the second floor. Miss Hester opened the door and I got in. "And Clara call your parents they are really worried," she said.

"Thank you Miss Hester. I'll call them," I replied and closed the door. The apartment looks so dead. I didn't carry my phone to the club, I forget to carry it that day. It's in my purse. I opened my purse and found my phone. I took it out, the battery is on 20%. 50 messages, 20 voice mails and 40 missed calls. I sit on my bed and start reading the messages. Some from my mum, the other from my dad, also from the manager at the library. My parents came to New York, they live in California. They must have been really worried. I called my mum. "Clara honey," she said.

"Yes mum,"

"Are you okay? Where are you?" She asked worridely.

"I am okay mum. I am at my apartment I just got here," I replied.

"Okay honey we are on are way," she said and hung up.

I went to Avas room and it was so neat. Her clothes weren't in the closet all her stuff were gone. I wonder how she is... I changed into something more comfortable; sweat pants and a t-shirt.

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