Chapter Seventeen

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"Clara are you done packing?" Luca yelled.

"Yes," I replied.

"We are leaving at 2:00 pm it's 1:30 pm. We need to get going," Luca came into the room and stared at me as I was closing my suitcase. "Did you take your medicine today morning?"


"Have you packed them?"

"Yes Luca I have. Don't worry," I told him. I took my purse that was on the couch, Luca took the suitcase and dragged it. We headed towards the elevator, Henry stood by the elevator, he helped Luca with the suitcase.

"Sir your aunt left early this morning with your sister. I have been told to inform you by your father that you will be traveling with him," Henry spoke. I looked at Luca whose facial expression suddenly changed, showing clear annoyance and how mad he is.

"Why?" He asked in a husky tone.

"He didn't tell me the reason Sir," Henry replied. I held Luca's hand, I noticed his narrowed - furious eyes. Anger was taking over.

"Lucas," I said his name. He didn't reply, he stared blankly ahead. Luca walked holding my hand and we got in the elevator.

The car ride to the airport was silent. As soon as we reached the airport, Luca got out of the car - slammed the car door and walked towards the jet. I followed him. As soon as I get in the private jet. I notice a man wearing a black polo shirt with dark blue jeans, probably in his late 50s - with a grey-black beard and piercing blue eyes just like Luca's. He is in great shape too, he has muscles.

Luca's dad was looking at me. Observing me. Luca stood in silence - watching his fathers movements. Luca's father walked up to me.
"Fernando," he said and gave out his hand for a handshake.

"Clara," I replied. I look at Lucas who stared at his father as if he wants to kill him. I shook his hand and after that he kissed my hand.

"You are very beautiful Miss Clara. I see why my son has abandoned his "work" and father. You are simply an angel," he said in a modulating tone.

"I had no idea the devil could see angles," I said to him - I dared to stare at into his eyes, I dared to speak out. Luca looked at me - curiously.

"If my son can see one..." he said.

"Lucas is nothing like you! You are pure evil and inhuman," I said in disgust - cutting him off.

"Hah my son?" he turned to look at Lucas. "Let me ask you a question Miss Clara - If the father is the devil, what makes the son?" He continued to laugh in a wicked way.

"He's not worth your time Clara," Luca said. As I was walking pass Luca's dad, he stood in my way.

"Don't be fooled, love. The devil doesn't come to you with a red face and horns, he comes to you in everything you've ever wanted," he said and turned to look at Luca.

"ENOUGH!" Luca yelled. Luca made his way towards me and grabbed my hand and made me sit next to him. Luca's dad sat a distance from us. I can't believe I am in the same place as the person behind Ava's death and I can't do anything about it. He placed a gun on the table and looked at me - he smirked. Ugh!

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