Chapter Two

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Kiana sat on the dashboard of the man's car, staring out the window with a rather confused look on her face. Normally the humans left them in cages to take them home. So why did this man set her here instead of doing so?

"So, what happened to your parents?" His deep voice snapped her from her daze and her eyes shot over to him.

After she processed his question, she let out a sad, quiet sigh. "M-My mommy and daddy weren't allowed to come back to the store with me. I-I was born in one of the breeding places and was kept there until a year ago."

"Oh." The man's changed tone and his eyes turned to her for only a second. But in that second there was pity in his dark green orbs. "Well, my name is Caleb. But you will refer to me as 'sir' or 'master'. And my daughter and wife as 'miss'. It's only appropriate for your kind."

Kiana responded with a small nod, even more nervous than she was already. Not only did she have three humans to try and make sure she pleased, but one of them was a daughter. "H-How old is your daughter?" The young Neko asked nervously, shifting uncomfortably on the dashboard.

"She's fourteen. She wanted a pet, and my wife said it was fine so I figured why not get something that she can actually talk to and understand? Besides, I'm sure your kind are rather respectful, hmm?"  

Once again, Kiana only nodded and turned to look out the window again. Fourteen, good. Old enough to understand not to be too rough. A kid that age had to be nice right? And after all, this man doesn't seem to be the type of person to abuse Kiana like that. Nor would he let anyone else. It was then a very small smile made it's way onto her lips as everything was silent the rest of the car ride.

It seemed like hours before the engine shut off and the man pulled his keys from the ignition with a soft 'click.' She turned, expecting to see him reaching to pick her up but instead his hand was placed down beside her on the dashboard. Glancing at him, she saw him looking at her rather expectantly. So instead of asking, she just carefully crawled into his palm with a sheepish smile. 

"Good girl." The man smiled and got out of the car, carrying her close to himself in an attempt to keep her from falling, at least that's what Kiana's thinking. "Now, when we get inside please be respectful, okay? Though I already trust you will be." 

"Y-Yes sir," Kiana whispered as she looked up at the giant house. The suit, the nice home, it could only mean he really did have a decent job. She took a deep breath in when the door swung open and the man called out for someone.

"Lily, I'm home!" He smiled and shifted Kiana into his other hand when a feminine voice responded to him.

"One moment Caleb!" A few seconds later a woman walks out with a smile. She had dark blonde hair and deep blue eyes. She was dressed in a pair of sweatpants with a black t-shirt on. It looked rather comfortable to Kiana to be perfectly honest. Her eyes then landed on Kiana and her smile slowly faded. "You of them? Caleb, I thought you were getting a cat!" The woman known as Lily frowns and approached.

"Oh, no." Caleb frowns and glances down towards Kiana. "Besides, she's young, only nine-years-old. I thought her and Abigail could possibly be friends. Also, Abby needs someone to talk to besides that friend of hers, Martha. She's an absolute witch." 

"Caleb!" Lily frowns before sighing and nods in agreement. "I know what you mean. Maybe...we'll try it out." She glanced to Kiana and managed a smile. "What's your name, dear?" She asked softly, taking her from Caleb's hands.

"K-Kiana, ma'am." The young Neko answered quickly, trying to keep her ears up but they were glued to her head. 

Spotting the way her ears were positioned, Lily used a finger to lightly pet her hair. "You don't have to be afraid little one. No one here will hurt you, okay? As long as you obey and be good you'll be just fine." She whispered, placing the Neko on the floor. "Caleb, come with me. Kiana, stay here." She turned and retreated from the room, Caleb glancing at Kiana for a moment before following quickly.

Kiana looked around the giant living room before taking a seat on the floor. So far they seemed nice, but what if it was to get her to trust them? She placed a hand on her head where her new mistress had pet her and heaved a sigh. 

Suddenly the front door swung open and a girl walked in with long brown hair and the same green eyes as her new master. "Mom, dad, I'm home!" 

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