Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Caleb dear how was work today?" Lily asked her husband with a smile as she set the table. Three normal human sized plates, and one tiny doll plate. 

"We got a call from our state," Caleb responded, stirring the chicken soup he was preparing with the ladle. "They want to use the cheese we created and start putting them in prisons. All prisoners have to eat it and shrink down while in jail, and only get returned to normal when they're allowed to leave. Naturally, our labs allowed it. I think it's an excellent idea."

"Oh, that is a wonderful idea! Then there will be less of a chance for them to break out!" Lily laughs. "Do you want to go tell the girls dinner is ready or shall I? I think Abigail was getting all her old toys and stuffed animals out for Kiana to pick from."

"Oh, how lovely. I think we both can." He smiles and turns off the stove burner, lacing his fingers with his wife's as they both head up the stairs.

It had already been a full month since Abby got out of the hospital, and besides her schooling the teen and Kiana became inseparable. They'd always hang around upstairs playing games or lying on the couch watching T.V. Kiana, in particular, took a liking to a show called 'Sophia the First.'

Lily and Caleb are both happy to know Martha no longer has any part of Abby's life. And besides, the girl was a witch anyway.

When Calen and Lily both arrived at Abby's room, they both smiled at the sight. Abigail was playing with Kiana, a bunch of old dolls scattered about the floor and some stuffed animals lined up on the bed. It took them a moment to spot the Neko, but eventually Lily pointed her out. 

She was sitting on her knees in front of a stuffed cat which was at least two times her size and was playing with its fluffy fur, giggling while Abigail attempted to clean up.

"Girls, dinner," Caleb spoke after a moment of watching them and both of their heads turned in his direction.

"Okay dad, I'll bring her down in a minute." Abigail smiled at him and bent down, flinching as her healing wound strained from the movement.

"Abby let's just go down now! I'll help clean up afterward, please?" Kiana smiles and stands up. "I don't want you to hurt yourself again."

Silent for a moment, Abby then nods with a soft smile, lifting her little sister into her palms. "Alright." With a small laugh, she used the tip of her nose to nuzzle the Neko's cheek.

Giggling, Kiana used her hands to try and push the teen's face away. "Stop it! Your breath smells!" She teased with a wide grin.

"Oh?" Abby laughed and turned to their parents. "We'll be right down." She smiles.

With a deep chuckle, Caleb turned and headed down the stairs with his wife's hand still in his. "Lily, I think this is the happiest I've ever seen Abby."

"I have to agree, Caleb." She planted a soft kiss on his lips, smiling with a happy sigh. "I have to agree."

The New Home ((G/T))Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu