Chapter Six

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"I-I was told to come wake you," Kiana whispered as she struggled against Abigail's fingers. "I-I'm very sorry miss, I-I'll leave right away." She was hoping this would make her let go, but instead, the grip around body tightened and she let out a small squeak of fear. Her black ears strapped to her head and if she could, her tail would be wrapped around her legs.

"I thought I told you to stay away from me." The teen grumbled and pushed herself into a sitting position with her free hand. She hates being woken up, even by her parents. So this time she felt she needed to do something about it to show the Neko who's in charge. 

Her own green eyes scanned her room. She needed a suitable place to keep the Neko until she got home from school. Then it struck her. "Hmm. Why don't I just take you with me? Oh, I'm sure you'll love it." A smirk fell onto Abby's face as she looked down at Kiana. 

"W-What?!" Kiana's fear kicked in harder. A school? With more human's that could steal her away from her new home? A home she's actually enjoying? A soft whimper passed her lips as she looked up at the teen. "P-Please miss, no. I-I can't." She stared up at the human as its eyes burned into her own.

Something on the Neko's face made Abigail's chest tighten. It could have been the fear, or the tears running down her face, but it was something. Keeping a grim face, however, she drops Kiana onto her bed sat on the floor. "Why don't you run away? And have you ever run away before?"

The sudden drop had made Kiana's stomach lurch, but the sudden question made her terribly confused. She needed to take a moment to gather her bearings before slowly giving a response. "I-I've never run away before. B-But I would have loved to." She whispers, keeping her eyes on her hands which were rested neatly in her lap.

"Well, why didn't you? And why would you?" Abigail asked again, tilting her head as the Neko shifted uncomfortably, clearly nervous about the answer.

"Th-The masters I had before were very mean." She whispered, gripping the skirt of her dress. "Th-They always kept me near them so I couldn't run away and so they could..." She trailed off as more tears ran down her face.

Abby thought for a moment, remembering Martha tell her that sometimes people use the Neko's for more...personal reasons. Her chest tightened even more at the realization to how young Kiana was to have gone through something like that. Even Abigail, at fourteen, knows that even herself would never be able to handle it.

"H-Hey, don't cry," Abigail mumbled, using the tip of her finger to wipe Kiana's face. "Wherever they are, they're gone now and can't bother you." She sighed. 

Kiana sniffled and suddenly wrapped her arms around the teen's finger, hugging it tightly. The human's words weren't gentle, but they helped. She was just glad she wasn't being thrown into a drawer again. 

Abigail was surprised from the small hug but pulled her hand away swiftly. "Don't do that. Just, let's go get breakfast." She grabbed Kiana a little roughly, her fingers wrapped around her body as she carried her downstairs. 

There were mixed feelings. She was a little mad, but also slightly touched. After how mean she had been to her she hugged her? She was certainly confused. Whatever, it didn't matter anyway. "Morning mom," Abigail said as she placed the Neko back on the floor and took a seat at the table.

Lily smiled at her daughter, placing a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast in front of her. "Good morning Abby. Did you sleep well?" 

"I slept fine." The teen responded, taking a large bite of the egg. She then glanced down to Kiana, who was looking up at the plate on the table. Rolling her dark green orbs, Abigail broke a piece of bacon off and dropped it down into the young Neko's arms. "Here."

Kiana's eyes widened when the giant chunk of food landed right into her arms, but the scent quickly filled her nose. She turned her brown eyes up towards the human and gave her a wide smile. "Thank you, miss!" She exclaimed as she dug right into the crispy meat.

"Your...welcome." Abby nearly smiled at the happy look on the child's face before she cleared her throat and turned to her mother. "Hey, mom? Can Martha come over after school today?"

Lily tensed and she stopped pouring the coffee into her half-filled mug. "Oh, uh..." She sighs. "Very well dear. But I want her to go home around five o' clock tonight, no later."

"Yes, mom." Abigail smiles and stands without finishing her breakfast. "I should go then. Bye, I love you. Tell Dad I love him too." She then ran off, the vibrations of her footsteps shaking the ground Kiana stood on.

But she completely ignored them. The Neko was too focused on chowing down on the hunk of bacon she was given, the flavor exploding in her mouth as she chewed.

Lily's gaze turned to Kiana before a soft laugh passed her lips and she knelt to the ground, extending a hand towards her. "Here, climb on. You can have some of what Abby didn't finish since you were good and didn't beg."

"Oh, thank you too ma'am!" Kiana smiled widely as she scrambled into then off her palm. As she dug into the eggs, it felt like a small stone was stuck in her stomach as she took in the thought of another human coming over later. And if this human wasn't nice, what would happen?

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