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Waking up early in the morning was something I despised but for the past weeks I've been on this show, I was used to it so I didn't have a problem with waking up early. I got up and slipped on my clothes, brushing my hair and teeth before walking out of the shower room. Drying my hair on the way, I walked to where everybody else was. Giving a side hug to Trent, LeShawna and Gwen, I walked over to my team walking over to Duncan's side as he wrapped his arm around my waist. I blushed, tilting my head down as I heard him chuckle softly, inaudible to the others.

"Today's challenge will test your minds, your teamwork and your skills in the kitchen." Started Chris. "You'll be cooking a three-course meal and serving it to me for tasting. The winners will get an award while the losers will send someone home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create a theme and oversee the cooking. To cook you need ingredients. Every morning a truck brings us food, you'll be starting there." We walked over to the truck, our team going first.

"We could do a killer Italian theme," Geoff exclaimed.

"Hello, head chef."

"Seriously?" We nodded, giving him a smile. "Then let's get grabbing." The boys went into the truck, getting all the ingredients and we all walked back into the kitchen, ingredients in our hands.

"Okay. We have like three courses and seven people." Started Geoff.

"I'll be the assistant chef," Courtney said and we agreed, not really bothered about it.

"I know how to make pasta sauce."

"I know how to boil pasta." DJ and Bridgette high-fived, pairing up as they knew how to make Pasta.

"Me and Sadie can rock the antipasto. I'm like a black belt when it comes to cutting cheese." I giggled, covering my mouth to cover it up. "What?"

"I guess that leaves you and me on dessert, angel." I nodded, smiling.

"Oh! I love dessert! I can make Cannolis, they are the best Italian pastries ever!!" I squealed as I thought of the idea of making desserts. They had to be my favourite thing to do. We began making our dishes.

"Uh, where do you want the water, Bridgette?" I watched as Dj 'accidentally' spilt water all over Harold's pants. I glared at the boys as they told Harold to go change. Something was going on, and I didn't like it. I pushed Duncan out the way, ready to do this all on my own.

"Hey! What about me?" I stuck out my tongue which was a bad idea as he smirked and bit it, causing me to go a deep, deep, deep shade of red. The others laughed and I kneed him in the private, causing him to release my tongue and to fall on the floor. I laughed, my blush still painted on my face as I continued mixing the filling. I tensed as I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist, pulling me towards them, my back flush against the person, or should I say, Duncan.

"Duncan." I breathed as my action froze, my body tense as I felt him kiss my neck only for him to laugh and cover my eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows but decided I didn't want to see since I heard Chris make a noise of disgust. The hand was then removed as soon as Harold left, after Duncan telling him that there was a clean pair of underwear in their cabin. I shook my head, glaring at the boys but continued on with my work, only for Harold to come back in pyjamas.

I shook my head as they offered Harold a sandwich which we then found out had his underwear in them. I glared at them, feeling bad for Harold.

"That was very rude." I scolded all the boys, the girls agreeing with me. "How would you like it if someone does that to you?"

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