AN- The Idea

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Hello again!

This is my second attempt at another story. Everyone was so nice on my first one, so I thought I'd make another one. However this time, as you can see, its about another anime.

The Idea

I've always love to read time travel fanfiction, of any kind, and i've always wanted to do one myself. I never knew what to write though....hmmm. So i'm gonna give it a try. Wish me luck!

So my idea was: Team Seven, Time Travel.... thats all i have so far. Again, not the most original. But i did add my own little twist in it for fun (0 w<)/

I'm not really that good with words, so forgive my lack of vocabulary. You may also notice some changes in my writing style along the way. I tend to get influenced easily by what I read. If i read wordy things, I get wordy too.Its its flowery, i get brainwash sometimes. If  its short...well, anyway, you get the idea. I guess my emotions play a part in that too, they turn into long detailed sentenced if i feel too strongly about it. Its pretty detailed to if i can picture it clearly in my head. Huh, i never noticed how easily influenced i am by everything...oh well, I'll manage that somehow.

The characters may come as OC, I can't grasp their character that well. I'll try my best to understand them better during this story.

Without further delay, let's begin!


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