Arrivals and Meetings

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 In a blink of an eye, the scenery changed. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura found themselves sitting in an all too familliar classroom sitting next to each other. Sai was not with them, but they figured he'd meet with them later today.

"...Team Seven will be Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno and Sasuke Uchiha. Your Jonin instructor will be Kakashi Hatake", said Iruka-sensei. It was the day they were assigned as a team. They were in the past. They did it! They did it! They're here!

"Hell Yeah!", Naruto shouted, Sakura smiled happily, while Sasuke, being the Sasuke that he is, smirked.

While waiting for Kakashi-sensei

The rest of the class had left earlier with their Jonin instructor. Leaving the members of Team Seven, minus Sai, Waiting for Kakashi's arrival. They had around two hours before Kakashi-sensei would get there. Two hours mean nothing to them as long as their Kakashi-sensei was safe and alive.

"I wonder where Sai is?" Naruto asked after a few moments of silence.

Meanwhile, Sai...

Danzo was busy looking through a few reports and contracts in his office, when a knock could be heard on his door. Danzo stopped reading and stared at the door. This was strange considering his people would just come in through the window. Nobody ever uses the door. A knock was heard again pulling Danzo out of his thoughts.

"Come in", Danzo said. He waited for whoever it was to come in, but no one entered. There was another knock at the door.

"Come in", Danzo said louder this time. Still no one entered, there was a knock again before Danzo got impatient and walked up to open the door to yell at who ever it was disturbing him, only to find an empty hall. The new recruits must still have some spirit in them, he needs to fix that later. Muttering about kids and their pranks, Danzo closed the door and went back to his paperwork.

During the brief moment Danzo took to walk to the door, Sai silently sneaked into Danzo's office. Copy Danzo's signature onto his ROOT resignation letter and approval letter to join Team Seven. Took official Council Seal and Root Seal. Stamped the letter and hide the letter among his finished paperwork before leaving the office undetected.

Back at the classroom

"Naah, I'm sure he's fine", Naruto said shaking his head, then continued to wait for his Kakashi-sensei with Sasuke and Sakura.

Time skip: 2 hours later

When Kakashi walked into the classroom, he was half expecting for a prank since the village prankster was in his team after all. What he found was his team sitting silently, smiling from ear to ear. This was disturbing since Sasuke was supposed to be a brooding mass of negativity. Sakura, from what he read in her file was supposed to be the ultimate fangirl, her smile was supposed to be directed at the later, not him. Naruto was smilling, which was never a good sign, but that was completely normal. What tipped Kakashi off was that these smiles were genuine 'happy-to-see-you' smiles.

"My first impression of you is.... creepy. Meet me on the roof", said Kakashi before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

At the rooftop

"Great! Now that we're all here, we can start with the introductions. Tell me your names, likes, dislike- Who are you?", Kakashi asked, when he noticed the sudden addition to the team. A pale ink haired male teen was sitting comfortably along side his team like he belonged there. His team, plus the boy, tilted their heads in synchronized confusion.

"Who are you?", Kakashi asked again, pointing at Sai.

"I am Sai", the boy answered. Yeah....that doesn't tell him anything.

"Good to know", Kakashi said disinterested. "However, this is a team meeting. Only members of the team are allowed. So run along to where you came from".

"What do you mean sensei?", Sakura asked. "Sai IS part of the team".

"Yeah!",Naruto added. " He has to be here!"

"He's the mature one", Sasuke mumbled, adding to Kakashi's confusion. What does that have to do with anything. Naruto and Sakura were snickering, while Sai was looking smug? Clearly this was an indication that they know each other fairly well if they have inside jokes together. The files hadn't mentioned that.

"He is NOT part of the team" Kakashi emphasized on the 'not' part. "If he was, the Academy would have given me he's file".

"But Kakashi-sensei, he's not from the Academy", Naruto added. No wonder he had never seen the boy before.

"If he's not from the Academy, then where's he from?", Kakashi asked.

"He's from Anbu", Sasuke answered, Kakashi raised an eyebrow in question. He turned to Sai silently demanding answers from the boy.

"He is correct", Sai answered, his voice was empty of any form of emotion. If Kakashi was any other ninja he would have questioned the boys emotional state, but he wasn't. So Kakashi waited for his team to explain things further, which never came so he had to ask them himself. Kids these days.

"And he is here because..?", Kakashi let the question hang, to which Sakura graciously decided to answer.

" He wanted to be in the team", That still does not answer his question. In fact it added even more questions to the previous question.

"He cannot be in the team. I was assigned to a three-man team, not four", Kakashi told them. To add more to his confusion his team and the mysterious boy started crying. While his team crying with red puffy eyes with tear stained cheeks was already an odd sight, the other teen was disturbing. While Sai's face remained expressionless, the tears streaming down from empty emotionless eyes made him looked so...wrong.

"Why are you being so mean to him?", Sakura asked Kakashi between sobs, while pulling into his Jonin vest. Her voice  was shaking with pained emotions. How a 12 year old manage to  do that, Kakashi would never know. The sight of a crying little girl was always hard to ignore.

"Yeah, its not fair...", Naruto came forward to do the same as Sakura. He looked up to Kakashi with the saddest face Kakashi has ever seen. He looked like a kicked puppy, which made Kakashi feel a little bit of guilt somehow. He was a ninja! A jonin at that, he shouldn't feel guilt from puppy dog eyes.

"He only wanted to join the team...", came Sasuke,of all people, tugging on his vest looking very young as his age was suppose to be. Where was the stone cold prodigal ninja he was given before?

"Do you...", Sai's voice carried softly, looking down with shaking hands pulling onto the hems of his shirt. "Do you not like me?", he continued, lifting his head to look straight at Kakashi.  Those eyes were so empty that he looked so broken. His genin let out alarmed gasp before running towards the boy to comfort him. Kakashi was now left with a sobbing pile of children he did not know how to handle.

"Look...", Kakashi let out a sigh, while rubbing the back of his neck. " I can't let him be on the team without any form of approval-", and just like magic the kids were all smiles in a slit second, like they have never been crying in the first place.

"It has been signed and approved by the Council", to which Sai pulled out an official looking scroll and handing it to Kakashi. If the Council was involved, Kakashi knew better than to ask too many questions. He was quickly regretting his choice to be an instructor.

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