The C is Not Safe

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Mission Counter, Hokage Building

"Papasen! I think we're ready! We're Ready for the next step! I wanna do a C rank mission!", Naruto said excitedly.

"Yeah, Papasen! I think we're ready to do more challenging missions!", Sakura said, supporting Naruto. Sasuke and Sai nodded their heads in silent agreement.

"Now hold on kiddies", Kakashi said, to calm them down a little. "Its too early for your team to do a C rank-"

"Papa-sensei you think we're ready right?", Sai interupted, asking politely, but it sounds like a threat to Kakashi's ears.



"... right", Damn, this kid is too mysterious. Everything he says sounds suspicious.

"...Fine", Iruka-sensei, who was working at the mission counter that day, said reluctantly. He was hoping Kakashi would disagree with taking  C rank mission. But knowing Naruto, if he want something, he'll get it one way or another. It is better to just go along with it before he causes any trouble. "Let's see... here's a request for bodyguards. Does that sound good?.

"Wait! Is that Sasuke's mission?", Naruto suddenly asked, raising his left hand.

"What?", Iruka-sensei asked, suprised.

"Sasuke made a request for bodyguards last week", he explained.

"Idiot! I made it a B rank mission, not a C", Sasuke added. "I have money, I'm rich, not to mention good looking. Obviously I need higher quality guards to keep my fans at a safe distance"


It was such an arrogant and out-of-character statement that Iruka-sensei did not know how to respond.

"Then who are we guarding? Someone inportant? A super rich merchant? A foreign princess from distant lands? Oh! I wanna guard a princess! Can we guard a princess? I think we should guard a princess", Naruto continued rapidly firing one thing after another.

"Please, Iruka-san, continue", Kakashi spoke up, urging the man to explain about the mission. It was best to ignore Naruto right now.

"Right... its to guard a bridge builder to Wave Country", was all Iruka could say, still a little put off from Sasuke's earlier  behavior.

"We'll take it! Don't worry Papasen, we'll protect you!", Naruto said confidently to Kakashi.

"You're supposed to guard the client Naruto...", Kakashi drawled out.

"Never mind the details", Naruto replied, dismissing what Kakashi had said. "You're more important Papasen!"

Kakashi did not know what to say. They keeps coming out with these unexpexted statements at such random moments, that it left him and everyone around speechless each time.

"You'll be escorting Tazuna-san to his hometown in Wave", Iruka said, choosing to bring the client into the room.

"Huh? These are my guards? They look like they're not even old enough to leave the house without their parents!", Tazuna yelled out rudely after seeing the people that accepted the mission.

"Hah! Jokes on you we don't have parents!", Naruto happily replied, shocking Tazuna with such an unexpected reply.

"Except Sakura", Sasuke added helpfully.

"Huh? You still this have those Sakura-chan? I thought Sasuke killed them already?", Naruto asked Sakura, sounding suprised.

"I haven't, Papasen said I can't!", she replied, looking agrieved. Kakashi decided not to comment on that, but he really needs to talk to his genin about that one of these days.

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