Names, Likes, Dislikes, Hobbies and Dreams

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Rooftop, Academy

After receiving the scroll from Sai, Kakashi decided to leave it for later and continue with the introductions.

"Now that that's settled, lets introduce ourselves shall we?", said Kakashi. "Tell me your name, likes, dislikes,hobbies and dreams. Ladies first!"

"Can you start first sensei?", Sakura asked. "To show us how to do it".

" My name is Hatake Kakashi. I'm the kind of person who doesn't feel like talking about his likes and dislikes! My dreams for the future are none of your business... But anyway, I have lots of hobbies. Now its your turn"

" My name is Sakura Haruno. I like Sasuke-kun, Naruto, Sasuke-kun, Sai, Sasuke-kun, and you  too, Kakashi-sensei, and Sasuke-kun, I dislike everyone else that likes Sasuke-kun . My hobbies are spending time with Sasuke-kun and my friends and my dream is to one day marry Sasuke-kun!", Sakura said happily, she decided to use the same old introduction. Well, maybe it was a bit different, but its fine~

Well, the files did mention her fangirl tendencies, so Kakashi let it slide.

"Wonderful, then next!", Kakashi said to Sasuke.

" Sasuke Uchiha. I don't like anything, i dislike everything, i don't need hobbies and what i have isn't a dream, but an ambition and I will make it happen", Sasuke said seriously, as he glared at Kakashi. So far the information on the files are correct, even if minor details have not been mentioned, overall they were behaving as mentioned. Well, not including the mystery boy, that is.

"Very informative Sasuke, thank you" Kakashi stated, before turning to Naruto. "You, blonde, next"

" Yosh!I'm Naruto Uzumaki! I like everything ramen but i hate the 3 minutes it takes to cook instant ramen! My hobbies are pranking and ninja stuff", Naruto exclaimed. Kakashi nodded and verified this in his head. "- My dream is to one day take over the world!"

Say what now?

"Don't you mean 'Hokage' dead last?", Sasuke questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Really? I could have sworn it was taking over the world", wondered Naruto.

"No, that's Sakura", Sasuke continued while Sakura nodded her head in agreement. Kakashi was very sure that, no, she did not mention that particular dream.

"Wait, I thought she wanted to marry you?", asked Naruto

"I did that already", Sakura added. Now Kakashi was just confused, what are these kids talking about?


"...Lets continue with the introductions. Sai", Kakashi said after getting lost in their conversation.

"I am Sai" 


"...Thats it?", Kakashi asked after awhile.

"Yes", Sai simply answered.


"Sai doesn't say much Papashi-sensei", Sakura helpfully told him, to which Kakashi nodded before freezing.

"What did you call me?", Kakashi asked her.

"Papa-sensei?", Sakura said tilting her head to the side.

"No, I am not your father Sakura", Kakashi told her. "You have your own father to call Papa"

"I do?", Sakura asked, sounding confused. Were they still alive? She could not remember if her parents were still alive at this time.

"Yes, you do", Kakashi said to her, he was a little confused at her reaction.

"But... they don't have any", Sakura said, pointing at he rest of her team, who all nodded. She sounding like she had been wronged, to which Kakashi could not understand why.

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