SD: Ch. 1

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It was when Ariyh turned nineteen that she noticed a weird craving. Her father(Andy) owned a ranch several years before her birth. For her fifth birthday, he had surprised her with the most striking colt she had ever layed her eyes upon. It was light coffee complected with a mild caramel mane and pearlish snout.

Ariyh had raised the colt for as long as she grew through varying ages. He was known as, 'her muted diary'. So many years of life, she shared EVERY conflict she had endured. It was almost like she needed no being. She was fauna struck.

Her dad noticed her greatest achievements with the helping of the ranch, he decided to inform her about his reinforcer. He gained the idea when he noticed they were running a tab behind.

There was assisted help from Ariyh's mother, but she had moved up north to help her own mother nurse her father, whom was a retired veteran.

Andy: Ry?
Ariyh: Yes, Father??
Andy: This young gal is Anabella.
Ariyh: Oh??
Andy: Anabella will be helping around until Mom gets back.
Ariyh: But Father, we got this!

Her emotions rose in anger. Her only 'known' family was the animals, her father, and her mother. To bring in someone else would damage the ora that's been contacted.

Andy: Now Ry, you know we could use all the help we can get to keep this place up.
Ariyh: No strange maiden can help us do ANYTHING we had been doing years before she decided to grow that REVOLTING mane! She probably doesn't even know the difference between an ewe and a ram.
Anabella: (lifted her hand and squinted in distaste). Excuse me ma'am??

She looked at Ariyh.

Anabella: 'Ram' is the dominant sheep and 'ewe' is his mate.
Ariyh: Who asked you??!

Ariyh approached Anabella, swept her hands through her own hair, and stormed off.

Anabella: I think she likes me.

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