SD: Part. 11

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Ariyh: I COMPLETELY forgot!

Her apologetic body approached Reign.

Ariyh: I am so sorry! How could my inconsiderate mind attack you verbally??! This isnt your fault. Hadn't it not been for needy me, we wouldnt be in this predicament. Please Reign--
Reign: Its okayy Ri, you are forgiven.
Ariyh: How could I be SO stupid??!
Reign: Dont say that!
Ariyh: This whole time, I have been so selfish!
Reign: But you have a reason to be. Your mom left and now your dad seem to have to rely on some strange woman to--
Ariyh: Dad??!!!

She began to race back to her father.


As easy for Ariyh as it seemed, Reign had to make certain he could, not only walk, but run as well. One step at a time, he seem to progress dramatically. Ariyh's rewarding recognition motivated Reign. He grasped her wrist slightly, and raced towards Ariyh's dad.


Fifteen minutes later, they reached the barnyard. Everything seem to be in its normal routine... But where's Andy??

Ariyh: Dad??!
Reign: I'll go look over here.

Ariyh entered the house in precaution.

Ariyh: Dad??!

Still, no answer.

She took a inspected every room, to make certain nothing was out of place.

Andy: Please dont do this.

Ariyh inched towards her dad's bedroom. She took a peak in and caught glimpse of a mirror hanging on the wall. It is was what's in the mirror that sent her spiraling into a fit of rage!

Ariyh: What are you doing to him??!

She threw the door open, storming in.

Anabella: I was just--


Ariyh's fist kissed Anabella's face with a passion from Ariyh's built up pressure to release anger.




Reign: Ri??! Ri, where are you??!

He entered the home.

Reign: Ariyh no!

He pulled her away from Anabella's pitiful body.

Andy: Who are you??! Get away from her??!!!

He forcefully attempted to escort Reign out.

Ariyh: Dad stop! THATS REIGN!!!

Anabella tried to crawl away. Andy starred intensely at Reign.
Reign's attention grasped hold of Ariyh. And Ariyh surfaced her ears with her hands.

Ariyh: STOOOOP!!!

Her yell caught everyone's attention.

Ariyh: Has everyone gone mad??!

The crowded room looked around at each other.

Ariyh: Look, Anabella--
Andy: You are no longer welcomed. Get out.
Ariyh: Never to return??

She looked at her father.

Andy: Never to return.
Ariyh: GO NOW!!!

Her stare at Anabella frightened her own self. She never knew what it was like to despise someone so much.

Andy: Calm down hunny.

Minutes go by. The ora has changed dramatically. It was at peace.

Andy: So who's this??

He gestured towards Reign.

Ariyh: Dad--
Reign: Im Beck.
Ariyh: What are you doing??
Reign: Ariyh and I met a while back. At the market.
Andy: Well--

He lifted his hand to welcome Ariyh's (new) friend. Quickly, Ariyh grabbed Reign by the arm and shoved him into a wall.

Ariyh: Do I have your attention??
Reign: Look, you are being VERY aggressive right now. You have been for a few days now. Im just gunna leave to your lonesome and let you calm down.

He walked away.

Ariyh: Reign-- Reign, im sorry.

She was heard but Sovereignty refuses to appease her with his action of halting at her request.

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