SD: Part 12

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Her hand began trembling. Her legs weakened. She was collapsing into yet another episode of destruction.


She fell into the dirt. In the distance, she could hear her name being call but too weak to respond. Was she dreaming or was she really being carried?? She could feel her body move steadily as if the walk to her destination was really close.


Her head on her pillow. Her legs in the bed one at a time. Her body covered up. A soft kiss on her forehead. The sound of her rocking chair creaked in the corner.

Who was it??

It was Sovereignty. He had come back. His stares at Ariyh were strongly attached. Sitting back and watching her, he really became impatient. He pulled the chair to Ariyh's bed. Closer. Then closer once more. He had came close enough to her to gently rest his hand upon hers.

Reign: I know these past few days have been hell, but you have GOT to calm down. Look at what youre doing to yourself. Im here because I love you. But look at yourself. This isnt you! It frustrates me because I--

She grasped his hand.

Reign: Ri??

Ariyh moaned.

Reign: Ri, im here.

She moaned once more. Her hand trembled. She arose towards him. His hand gracefully approached the back of her head. There was a kiss. So much passion. So much intensity.

Reign: Stop--

He pulled away.

Reign: I cant do this.
Ariyh: But--
Reign: Ariyh, no!

A puzzling look grew upon her face.

Ariyh: Oh gosh... Im sorry. Its just--
Reign: You miss your mom, I know. But you dont have to act this way.
Ariyh: Im sorry.
Reign: Stop apologizing. Just be more aware of your actions and what theyre doing to the people around you.
Ariyh: Oh no! Anab--
Reign: No, no. She defiantly deserved it.

They embraced the aroma and warmth of each other.

Ariyh: Reign??

She pulled away from him.

Ariyh: I think im--


He kissed her passionately. Her mind instructed her to refuse, but the intense moment was so pleasurable, she just wanted the moment to last for ever.

Ariyh: Reign??!

Sovereignty's kiss to her steadily remained. She was his mate. Soul mate.

Reign: I am your protector. My job is to protect you. My job is to make you happy.

Ariyh nodded.

Grasping the aroma in the sole of her neck, Reign's emotional ties to Ariyh became more efficient. It wasnt enough that she found him deliciously attractive. But he known her nearly her entire life.

Ariyh forced herself on top of Reign. Releasing every article of her clothing, she sat on top of him eagerly. Kisses were enforced. Hugs were in command. What more could happen to make them both feel welcomed to one another?? Something had to be done. But what??

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