SD. Part. 14

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Ariyh: *moan* mmn mm mmn. Yes. Oh gosh... Yes of course! I wont leave you, I dont care the circumstance-- yes, im sure-- please wait. WAAAAAAIIITT--
Reign: Ri?? Ri wake up!

He shook her enough for her to snap out of it.

Ariyh: Wha-- huh??

She searched for her dreams setting.

Ariyh: What happened?? Tell me-
Reign: The first part wasnt a dream, can't say the same for the second.

Her hand met her face.

Ariyh: So that actually happened??

Reign pulled back the covers to reveal to Ariyh, her bare torso and waistline.

Observing her appearance, she snapped out of it.

Quickly, she jumped into action. She had to find clothes.

:Knock knock...

There was a familiar voice.

Ariyh's eyes widened. She sprinted from her closet and froze in the middle of her bedroom's floor.

:So you gunna just stand there or are you gunna give your mother a hug.
Ariyh: MOM??!!!!

(Yes guys, its really her mom)

She ran to her almost tripping on her face. Once attached to her mother, Ariyh, almost immediately started the water works.

Ariyh: I thought you weren't due back for another month??!

She gently pulled away, grasping hold of her mother.

Maura: I wasnt hunny. But I received an anonymous tip. Did your father arrange for someone else to take my place while I was away??!
Ariyh: He certainly did Mother. She was HORRIBLE! Her appearance reflected Mr. Pete's last boar.
Maura: Hunny, I missed you SO much! And I would LOVE nothing more than to continue regain acquaintance..... but um--
Reign: Hi.

He could tell where her next question was heading.

Reign: Im--
Ariyh: Mom??

Her face grew long. There's somethin I have to tell you.

Maura: Well??

She gave a concerned, yet serious stare.

Ariyh: This is--
Reign: Ri, wait!
Ariyh: Sovereignty.
Reign: Im--
Ariyh: My stallion.

Nothing. Two minutes is long enough for no vocal expressions. All eyes glaring at one another.

Ariyh: Mom??

She broke the silence.

Maura: Baby, no need for explanation. You and.............your friend here--

She gave him a wicked glare.

Maura: Get ready for breakfast.

She grabbed her bags and proceeded exiting Ariyh's room. She pulled the door close behind her.

Ariyh: Are you mad??!
Reign: What??

His innocent look couldnt hold Ariyh's tongue from her outburst.

Ariyh: Shane?? Sovereignty?? Reign??
Reign: Technically, Sovereignty and Reign are the same.
Ariyh: Why did you do it??!
Reign: Because--
Ariyh: Shhh!

Placing her hand over Reign's mouth.

Ariyh: You hear that??

Sovereignty listened.

Reign: Sounds like--
Ariyh: Shhh!

She inched towards her door and ajared it slightly.

Andy: --no because I trust her!
Maura: And what about him, huh??
Andy: Of course! Why wouldn't I??
Maura: Open your eyes sweetie. She thinks thats Sovereignty. Her horse.
Andy: What??

He reeked of disbelief.

Ariyh: We have to go.

She grabbed her large backpack and began stuffing it with clothes and a family photo.

Ariyh: Why must your glare pierce through my eye as if youre trying to digest my soul??
Reign: I am.
Ariyh: No time for that. Please help me. We have to go.

Reign administered help.

Ariyh: You ready??
Reign: I guess.

Avoiding her parents, which whom she could STILL hear babbling on about her, Ariyh quickly climbed out of her window. Sovereignty followed.
They ran to the priests farm.

This is where, Seductively Driven truly begins.

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