SD: Part. 3

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For an instant, Ariyh let the buss proceed. She had to make sure she wasn't preoccupied in a trance that was causing her to hallucinate.

Ariyh: (pushing Annabella away) are you mad??!
Annabella: I am SO sorry! There was an empathetic vibe...
Ariyh: Empathic of what, exactly??! You kissed me! Under NO circumstance is that okayy!
Anabella: But the vibe....
Ariyh: Screw the vibe! YOU KISSED ME!!!

She had never come in contact with someone whom she gained the impression of them being SO inconsiderate.

Ariyh: I think you need to leave.
Anabella: Somethin I said??
Ariyh: Leave now!
Anabella: Wooah cow girl, calm down.
Ariyh: CALM DOWN??!!!  First, you come in bamboozling my dad into thinking youre matchless! Then you try to pity me your irrelevant ass sob story! Now youre telling me to calm down??! You DONT belong here and you never will!
Andy: Woooa woooa, whats going on??
Anabella: Everything's fine.
Ariyh: No it isnt. SHE KISSED ME!
Andy: Is this true??
Annabella: It was innocent. A misunderstanding.
Ariyh: Yes!
Andy: Its okay Ri. Just get back to work.
Ariyh: Dad, really??!

Her interconnection with Andy seemed to be damaged by the unimpeachable activity Anabella has caused. Ariyh stormed off. Anabella stepped forward to stop her but Andy use reinforcements and grasped her amiably.

Andy: Just let her go. She needs this time for herself.

Andy treaded towards the cattle to maintain their stability. Anabella  pussyfooted around the barnyard to detect Ariyh's actions. She caught  glimpse of Ariyh ascending upon Reign's saddle. At that moment, Anabella knew she had to stalk Ariyh's to her port of call. She quickly darted behind the barnyard to Ariyh's stable to attain her spare colt. Her name is, 'Charisma'. She has a beautifully frosted snowy white coat with charcoal like mane.

Anabella reached the point where she spotted Ariyh and Reign.

Ariyh: I can only count on you. I am certain you will NEVER betray me. I am certain that you are all I need. I am certain SHE needs to leave. The moderation in the situation should be unchallenging to extract! Why is this so hard??!

Her peripheral caught glimpse of a shiny object in the cornerstone. It was a metallic gem. As she recovered it. Not thinkin, she made a simple wish while the gem's within grasp of her possession. As she threw it into the sunset reflected lagoon, she noticed it was sparkling so crisp and let out a mild fizz.

Ariyh: Im yearning for your cooperation to communicate. Oh gosh, why am I babbling??
Reign: Because you are my best friend and I have been listening to you for fourteen years.

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