Chapter 2

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"Did you invite someone over, Bilbo?"

"I did nothing of the sort," he answered, standing up.

Poppy watched the Hobbit from where she sat when the door opened, noticing the look of surprise come across his features.

"Ah, Dwalin, at your service," the stranger spoke out of view.

"Um, uh, Bilbo Baggins... At yours," the Halfling then bowed, making the young woman cock a brow at his actions. "Do we know each other?"

"No," the thick accent answered. A man dressed in animal fur with a bald, tattooed head stepped inside the home, removing his outer cloak. "Which way, laddie? Is it down here?"

"Is what down where?" Bilbo asked.

"Supper! He said there'd be food."

"He-He said?" The Hobbit's brows furrowed in confusion. "Who said?"

It was a Dwarf. Poppy knew immediately he was a warrior from the outfit and weapons he carried. A grunt came from his lips upon seeing the set table, offering a nod and a, 'milady', to her before taking over Bilbo's seat. He dug into the meal without another word, leaving the two gaping and wondering what was going on. Bilbo finally cleared his throat, pulling up another chair to the table as Poppy pushed her plate of food between them to share.

"Good, very good," the Dwarf said mid-chew. "You got anymore?"

"Oh, uh..."

The Hobbit reached for a basket containing homemade biscuits, eyeing the food before slipping two behind his back. He then handed it over to the stranger. Dwalin's eyes lit up, digging into the bread like he had with the rest of the meal.

"Um, the thing is... Um, I wasn't expecting company–"

This time it was the bell that rang, Poppy and Bilbo sharing a look. Another guest at this late hour?

"That'll be the door," Dwalin inquired.

The Halfling answered again, coming face to face with another, much older, Dwarf.

"Balin," he greeted. Looking much more merrier than his counterpart already inside. "At your service."

"Good evening," Bilbo offered.

"Yes. Yes it is. Though I think it might rain later." The Dwarf entered on his own, causing the Hobbit to step back. "Am I late?"

"Late for what?"

He was about to answer, but upon the sight of Dwalin, the Hobbit went ignored. The warrior, after finishing the food at the table, set his sights on a cookie jar near the hearth. Attempting to reach his large hand into the small neck of the container to grab the last of its contents.

"Ah, ha! Evening, brother!"

Dwalin glanced up in surprise, but immediately gave a look of mischievousness and began to laugh.

"By my beard, you're shorter and wider than last we met," the warrior commented.

Chuckling, Balin met him halfway across the room, clasping each other's shoulders in a friendly gesture.

"Wider, not shorter," Balin said. "Sharp enough for the both of us."

Sharing a laugh the two continued to look at the other before knocking their heads together. Poppy flinched at the sound, rubbing her own forehead unconsciously and mouthing an, 'ow,' in the startled Bilbo's direction. However, the action seemed to not affect either of them.

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