Chapter 16

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Poppy quickly scooped up her weapon, looking to Bilbo, who followed quickly at her side, brandishing his sword. It was easier to run downhill around and over rocks, leaping from tree root to tree root if they broke through the ground. Still, with the sound of Wargs hunting them down, the situation of their present environment did little to ease them.

A beast lunged into their path and charged the Hobbit. Poppy shouted his name as it rushed past her and he raised his weapon, pointing it at the enemy, who did not stop. The blade ran straight through its head, killing it instantly as the Warg fell to the side with the weapon still sticking out of its skull. A hand grasped his shoulder turning him to face his cousin.

"Are you alright?" Poppy asked. He trembled under her palm. Shocked by what he just did.

"Up into the trees!" Gandalf shouted ahead. "All of you! Climb!"

Bilbo tugged on the blade. It refused to budge from the bone as he struggled to pull it free.


Poppy came to his aid. Both tugged on the hilt till it finally came free. Only then did they notice they were the only ones that remained on the ground. The pack, along with their Orc riders, were drawing closer. The cousins swung up into the branches with haste when a jaw came too close for comfort to the Half-breed's foot as she jerked it out of reach.

They scrambled higher to join the others in the high branches only to become trapped. The creatures paced under them. Waiting. Watching.

A loud, feral snarl drew their attention back the way they came as a white Warg climbed a tall rock with a pale Orc on its back. A part of his arm was missing. Replaced by a weapon that ran through the stump with three sharp hooks at the end. Their eyes widened at the sight, but none held an expression such as the prince, who appeared as if he had seen a ghost.

"Azog...!" Thorin gasped.

The enemy smirked at seeing his prey, talking in black speech so none in the company could understand his words. Yet his attention solely remained on the Dwarf prince.

"It cannot be."

The Wargs attacked the base of the trees. They lunged high into the air to reach their targets. Some managed to propel themselves up using the lower branches to climb. But they broke under their weight and fell back to the ground. Though another only took its place seconds later. The trees shook under them. All realized that the wood would not be able to hold out for much longer. Suddenly, the tree Bilbo and Poppy were perched in began to groan in protest. The trunk began to lean in the direction of the others and snapped.

"Jump!" Nori shouted above.

They didn't question him, lunging into the other tree and catching the branches. But there was no time to rest. The company scrambled to balance and rise to their feet as this one began to fall as well. They were running out of room to run with each one that fell till the last tree that once held only Gandalf, Ori, and Dori, managed to stand strong. Though it perched dangerously on the edge of a cliff. Poppy looked down. There was no possible way any of them would survive the fall. A falling flame caught her eye as it hit the ground and burst into a blaze. The Wargs snarled, backing away as another fell.

"Poppy!" Bilbo shouted.

A pinecone landed in her grasp before Balin held up his that burned brightly at the top with fire. "Hurry, lass," he spoke.

Lighting her own she followed the others' lead causing a ring of fire to separate them from the enemy, who glared and growled at their cheers of delight. However, the wood underneath them shifted as they grasped the trunk for dear life. It began falling, not towards solid ground, but over the cliff, the base caught on the surrounding rocks. The drop caused many to slip, legs dangling over the vast space.

"Mister Gandalf!" Dori's shouts came from farther up the tree.

The Half-breed's hands shook, grasping at the bark and trying to hoist herself up. "Bilbo!"

"I'm here!" he answered.

A boot came into her vision, glancing up at Thorin, who stared ahead. How he managed to stand she did not know, but when the young woman saw his blade drawn she began to feel ill.

"Thorin, no! No!" Poppy shouted.

She tried to grab his pant leg, only for the fabric of his clothing to slip through her fingers. The young woman nearly lost her grip in the process and hung on for dear life as she watched the prince clear the fire. The pale Orc grinned at his advance as the Dwarf lifted a thick broken piece of wood to use as a shield. He ran now with purpose, staring down his enemy with malice. And with a battle cry Thorin raised his weapon high as the Warg lunged from the rock. The force knocked the prince to the ground harshly, all the breath in his lungs rushing out. Poppy screamed his name as the white Warg turned to stalk forward. The Dwarf struggled to stand. Summoning enough strength, the Half-breed pulled herself onto the trunk, straddling the wood before helping her cousin. Azog charged his opponent, swinging the mace in hand and slammed it into Thorin's chest as he stood.

The Dwarf fell onto his back once more as the Warg's jaw snapped, tightening around Thorin's midsection. Its teeth pierced the armor and skin. The prince cried out in agony as the Dwarves watched helplessly. The cousins were left horrified. With the Dwarf's free arm, the hilt slammed into the creature's muzzle, causing it to yelp and toss away its catch. His body rolled across the ground onto his back and stared up at the darkened sky. Growling, Azog spoke to one of his riders in their tongue. The Orc dismounted. It stalked forward with a drawn blade and a malicious grin. Thorin struggled and searched for his weapon just out of reach as the dirty edge of metal pressed against his neck for aim. He was going to die.

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