19. The Oracle

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"What do you mean, we still don't have any quests?" Cal flopped on the front desk. Since they had officially opened the Adventurers Guild a week ago they had also reopened the café and kept the indentured servitude on the down low.

As soon as he could he took Naomi around to see the Brother Calloway statues. They were becoming a hit among the elves. The idea of a young inexperienced brother Calloway gave rise to a trend of storytelling.

The original residents came out of the woodworks and talked about their experiences with Brother Calloway. These stories only reinforced the tales statues told and that infuriated the political party that tried to deify him.

Some told stories about how funny he was when he would talk to himself or banter with the citizens, this contrasted the dignified priest they had him portrayed as. Some told stories about all the weird ways he designed the buildings before he settled on the way the city was built now, and that contested with the idea that he created everything perfectly the first time.

His entire persona changed within the communities. Identity traits like his strangely obsessive and forgetful tendencies flooded gossip circles. It was because he wouldn't build a house and a person and move on. He'd move from person to location, and location to building, then he'd spend five minutes and flutter off to the next task or he'd spend days working on one detail.

In fact, Cal had so much fun working with the girls run the café while figuring out his next move he had forgotten the most basic of requirements for an adventurers Guild, taking requests and doing quests.

"Being a Guild master is hard," Cal whined as he slouched over the guilds reception desk.

"Quit whining, maybe you should start by giving the guild a name." Wendy's eye twitched, she did not think that her new master would be such a child.

"I would if I could think of a suitable one."

"Are you really going to think of one sitting around here? Listen, if you're not going to help then you're just going to get in the way."

"Is that any way to speak to your boss?"

Wendy had just about had it, she picked him up and threw him out the front door. "And don't come back until you've at least thought of a name!" She slammed the door behind her.

Maybe he'd gotten too familiar with them. Cal picked himself up and dusted off his clothes. He wasn't wearing his duster today since he'd been inside moaning, but he had decided that the dread locks were getting to be a bit much for his disguise since they only showed when he was wearing his hat. He kept the eye patch though.

He sighed and began walking around the city, there was still a lot to see, but he hadn't had much time to explore since he opened the guild.

After twenty minutes of meandering through the city. He noticed a peculiarity.

A young dryad girl walked by herself through the street. She had pale green skin, lighter than a normal dryad. Her ears were pointed like an elf's but not nearly as long. A half-breed maybe? The biggest issue was that she was alone. Dryads had a strong natural tendency to look after one another and they often traveled in small groups.

New Quest: The Mysterious girl. Discover more about her?

[Greater shadow step]

He decided to follow her.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now