94. Finale: Welcome to the Kingdom of Perils

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Finally, Shayley stood in front of the four travelers.

"Welcome to my city, Prince Killian Demascus of the Demonkin, Princess Juliette Strongpaw of the Alastis kingdom, Guildmaster Tepin, and adventurer Elenora."

Shayley spoke to the room. "Let it be known that on this morning we have joined in an alliance of equal parts with the Alastis kingdom.

In honor of this moment, we will be setting up embassies in our respective kingdoms to aid in times of strife or need. Trade agreements have been reached in negotiations. And our two guilds have come together to operate in cooperation that will stretch across the continent."

She made a grandiose gesture. "However, today an amendment must be made."

Shayley returned to her throne. She faced the crowd, and begun her speech.

"Today is a momentous occasion. With the sworn fealty of the Dravenkin of the dark forest, the Kildora hive of the Northeast woods, the Silversilk Brood of the dark forest, the Lamia clan of the Verusion caves, the Harpy and Gargoyle clans of the Northwest woods, and a new merchant city to be made in the west to aid in the trade with Alastis, we are no longer a simple city of Elves.

Two hundred and fifty years ago my fiancé, Calloway Calphius, took what was then a simple guild fortress and turned it into a thriving city. Our history in his hands was one of progress and innovation, concepts that have been long forgotten until now.

In the age of raids when enemies beat on our walls with the ferocity that would smite a Dragon's den, my fiancé armed us with talents and swords. Where we were once open to slaughter, he gave us a chance and we grew powerful. We no longer cowered before the hordes behind the guild as our only saviors.

As we grew stronger, he added to our strength. He rallied the druids, tamed the slimes, charmed the foxes, pacified the dryads, and gained the loyalty of the Einherjar. By his own power, he even summoned elementals to safeguard us.

Many grew jealous or envious of our strength. But the guild who stood by us, from our weakest moments to our maturity, no longer looked at us as defenseless citizens who needed protection and saw us as worthy companions.

In that time, many combined their strength and rose against us. But we were NO LONGER a hovel of the weak, we became a stronghold that could weather any storm. The guild as our spear and we their shield, together we made our enemies suffer the loss of defeat on two fronts simultaneously. On our soil and theirs. With a guild born anew in our day that has shown it is worthy of us, may we once again enter a golden age.

After the manner of my fiancé, we have one again gathered many races to strengthen us. By conquering the Dravenkin, befriending the Waspkin, embracing the Arachne, charming the Lamia, and recognizing the potential of the Harpies we have gained new territory and ushered in a new age.

With this we are NO LONGER a city, but a KINGDOM!

For the first time, the Pearly City has extended its borders beyond the safety of our walls.

Once we were nothing more than a common guild fortress, we rose from the ashes and earned the name the City of Perils, over time we grew into a Pearly city, but now that we are a kingdom it seems only fitting that we name it after our benefactor.

Rising like a sword from the most treacherous forest in the world we stand on our own strength thanks to my beloved who showed us our potential.

Our name will be known the world over once again, and none shall doubt our origins, nor our strength.

Perilous be our past, and Perilous be our future!

May I be the first to welcome you all to the Kingdom of Calphian!"



WHAM! *Breaks down the door on the fourth wall*

Hey Crew!

Thank you all for reading this far.

With only the epilogues remaining I hope you have had a fun ride.

Cal has finally found his place in the world. With lots of laughs, tears, and mystery, Cal's journey has only just begun.

What does Cal have planned for the future, does he have a plan?

How well can Shayley keep her secret love life hidden?

What will the city's Oracle Ophelia predict next?

And will our broken family of mismatched pieces ever become whole?

Since our Pearly city has become the capitol of a kingdom it is time to close this book of tales for a new one.

The pearly kingdom's tales may hold just as many surprises, if not more than before. With a cast both new and old on its way, and perils around every corner it shall surely makes its name as the kingdom of Perils.

Thank you all again for all of your support. I know there is still more on the way but I want to take a minute to just say how grateful I am for all of you.

What were you favorite moments? Who were your favorite couplings? Are you like Kami, rocking a 'Cayley'(Calloway+Shayley) shirt? Or do you have a new pairing you'd like to see together? With so many tales told, whose were your favorites? And whose would you like to see in the future?

I really wish it didn't have to end here but this isn't really an ending, its just the beginning.

Thank you for everyone who has voted and commented.
If you've read up to this point and haven't voted, I still really hope you enjoyed the story. And for those of you who haven't commented, leaving a little love here goes a long way.

May the winds of fortune ever fill your sails.

-Nathaniel Wilhelm

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin