32. Song of the Dread Pirate

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Two and a half weeks passed and Cal decided that it was finally time to enter the dark forest.

Cal, Ophelia, Naomi, Yvette, Alea, Tiki, and Fauna traversed the increasingly harsh terrain deeper and deeper into the forest.

"How far are we going?" Naomi whined.

"Far enough to meet my future in-laws." Cal responded.

"In-laws? You don't mean?" Fauna gasped.

"Yep, we're going to meet Shayley's parents and enlist the help of their clan in the upcoming battle, just know that they won't help us without a crushing show of force. Unfortunately, that's where I come in. it's a good thing pommeling a Dravenkin half to death is the best way into their good graces." Calloway fiddled with a set of cards in his pocket.

"I never knew Shayley's parents were still around." Fauna said.

"It's a complicated deal, you see if you defeat the entire clan you get one wish from the clan. It was a near impossible limited time raid back when this was a game. Every adventurer got one chance so a bunch of guilds got together to try and ace it. But only a handful of guilds actually passed it. Ours passed and we decided that we wanted the boss monster for our own. So Shayley came into our possession, and became our mascot."

"This is a raid then?"

"No, at best this is an alliance, at worst this is an invasion."

"An invasion? Under whose authority!" Fauna demanded.

Cal stopped and looked at her with wicked smile. "Have you forgotten who I am, Dear Fauna? I am the guildmaster of Verdant Oath, the Guildmaster of North Wind, and the founder of the City of Perils. Tell me, who has the authority to deny me?"

Cal's bloodlust froze the forest around them.

"Papa?" Ophelia squeaked.

Instantly the Bloodlust was gone. "Don't worry, Ophelia. Daddy only hurts the bad people. I'd never lay a finger on you, except to do this!" Cal tickled her and all the tension vanished as if It hadn't been there at all.

But the rest of the party members couldn't help but realize the true power Cal had. It wasn't about what he could do that scared them now, it was the question of who could stop him.

"Master!" Tiki's ears perked. "Monster's"

"How many?" Cal released Ophelia.


"Ophelia, noobs, that's your que." A whimsical smile spread across his lips. "Tiki, you're support. Alea, you are watchdog take care of anything that interferes. Don't look at me like that there will be plenty of work."

** ** **

Two days later...

"How much more of this are you going to make us go through?" Naomi moaned. She was covered in the blood of the dark beast of the forest. They had been fighting wolves and goblins non-stop for two days.

Alea was having the time of her life, and the sisters hated her for it. Hour after hour she'd jump into dens of monsters and kill the strongest of them while kiting or chasing the rest of them into the trainees.

Yvette was currently being healed by Tiki while she was chewing on some herbs. "this is too much."

"Sound off, what are your levels?" Cal said.

"Thirty six," coughed Yvette.

"Thirty seven," spat Naomi.

"Forty three," chimed Ophelia.

Tales of the Pearly City (Pearly Tales Vol.1) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now