90. The Final Act: The Princess's Peculiarity

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The Waspkin Queen motioned to her subject and bowed her head an extra time as Vincent stepped forward and kneeled.

"These ones hope you will forgive our Queen's impoliteness, as she is unable to properly kneel before your grace without considerable undignifying effort. This one hopes you will accept this one's knee in her majesty's place."

"I am honored by your selflessness." Shayley said.

The Waspkin queen raised her head and spoke. "Your highness, I am Queen Verona Kildora, of the Waspkin Kildora hive. Thank you for your generosity regarding my disability. I come before you on this day, feeling blessed that our kind, who were once your prey, may now stand next to you as brethren and sisters.

I swear my own, as well as my future generations' hives to you. My people are now your people, my army will be your sword and shield to use as you please. May our kinds share kinship for many years to come."

"Sister Verona Kildora, I have heard your hives' pledge and accept it. As earlier agreed upon, your quarters in the castle have been prepared to the specification that we have received. I hope that as you lay your head to rest tonight, you will feel at ease in the comfort of our city's gentle arms."

"Your majesty is too generous, I look forward to tomorrow when our peoples will no longer slay the other in meaningless massacres that litter the streets with our children's corpses. For our tribute in this matter we have brought treasures of gold, honey, and the industry of our worker's dedication to bend to your will."

As if on cue the royal guard pulled the treasure from platform and handed them to the Elven servants who appeared on cue as if in a dance between the races.

"Your tribute has been accepted, may our kind be joined together from this moment on as family."

In that moment Queen Verona did something strange. She began to cry. The Waspkin froze and stared.

"Sister Verona, why do you cry?" Shayley looked concerned.

"My apologies, your graciousness. I am overcome with joy. Never could I have dreamt that our kinds would ever come together in such a manner, or that I would see the inside of this castle as anything but a captive or slave. I feel as if my children are finally safe."

In a move that was typical for Shayley, but absurd for a princess, she leapt from her throne and landed in front of Verona in an action so graceful it was as if she had practiced it.

The Waspkin flinched, but were conflicted. They naturally feared an outsider so close to their queen, yet the one approaching her was someone they could not raise their swords against.

Shayley pulled a handkerchief from under one of the plates of her armored sleeve. With her right hand, she held the Queens shocked face and with her left she gently dabbed away Verona's tears.

"This is very unorthodox I think, your majesty." Verona commented.

Shayley smiled, "you can blame my fiancé who created this city out of a fortress. He was a man full of peculiarities, but withholding kindness was not one of them."

Verona caressed the gentle hand against her cheek and pressed her face into it.

"I hope to meet this fiancé of yours soon."

"I hope we all get to see him soon, until then we will carry on his legacy with honor."

Shayley placed the handkerchief in Verona hand.

"Your highness?" Verona was shocked to receive such a boon.

"Keep it, it would be a shame if you got this pretty dress of yours dirty."

Shayley moved on. She stood in front of the Driders.

"Princess!" Fauna tried to remind the princess of her station.

"Oh hush, I'm alright here." She looked up at Saltif.

"You aren't scared to be so close to us, princess?" Saltif asked.

"Should I be?"

"Most draw their sword when they stand this close to one of our kind. It is strange that one who has so many guards would stand before us with none by her side." Saltif smiled at the princess's bravery.

"Am I making you nervous?"

"It isn't me you are making nervous." Saltif stepped aside revealing a timid girl no older than twelve. She had silver hair and was shaking so much she looked like she might wet the carpet.

Shayley tilted her head, "and who might this little one be?"

The girl screamed in fright and hid behind one of Saltif's legs.

"This is Crown Princess Alice Silversilk. Treasured daughter of the late Queen and brood mother, Ursula Silversilk. She is not quite of age to lead our people so the late queen left me, Saltif Widow, in charge of preparing her for the task as well as leading our people. You will have to forgive her youth. Walking into a den of our only predators and our races boogeymen would have any child frightened to tears."

"Boogeymen, could you explain?"

"Although we respect the Dravenkin and the Elves as worthy rivals, It's the guild we fear above all else. No others seek us out and leave trails of corpses in their wake like when the guild's raid. When we heard the new Guildmaster led a raid on the Dravenkin, we feared we were next. When the druids approached us, we saw it as our only chance to avoid destruction."

"You make it sound like we scared you into subjugation."

"You belittle your own tactics, to strike fear into the entire Arachne Brood is quite the feat. One worthy of respect. On top of that, I also share the same sentiments as Mistress Kildora, I do not wish to see to see my brothers and sisters slain in vain by the guilds."

"The boogeyman, huh?" Shayley scratched her chin. She turned to Cal and waved him over.

Cal looked both ways then pointed at his face as if to confirm she's asking for him.

Shayley nodded and Cal tried his hardest not to sigh. He dutifully walked toward Shayley. When Cal stood next to Shayley he was ready to play his part.

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