Under New Leadership

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While Mikhail Smirnov announced his resignation as Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, he assured the people that to avoid chaos, he would remain as a Communist Party official and would be working with Xyero and his friends, Alexei, Anatoly, and Igor, to reform the government. Reginald and Hadassah made contact with the Grand Kremlin Palace, where they were welcomed as guests by Xyero, Alexei, Anatoly, Igor, and Mikhail himself, along with their newfound companions, Reinaldo and Norabel.

"I'm sure you have many questions," said Xyero, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken revelations. "All will be answered in due time."

"Good, because you have so much to explain," Reginald retorted, his skepticism veiled behind a thin veneer of curiosity.

Xyero nodded in understanding, his gaze unwavering. "I'm sure you're wondering why Mikhail Smirnov still lives," he ventured, his words laden with unspoken significance.

"Not my top question, but it did cross my mind," Reginald admitted, his gaze shifting between the key players in this unfolding drama.

"It was Igor's suggestion," Xyero said. "He infiltrated the Premier's inner circle on our behalf to provide intelligence. Perhaps he should explain."

"The government is already rather unstable," Igor began, his tone measured and deliberate. "We have undoubtedly exacerbated that problem. Our first priority must be to bring peace, order, freedom, and stability. Keeping Mikhail Smirnov alive may prevent a power vacuum from forming and tearing our society apart."

Xyero nodded in agreement. "He'll have no real power, of course," he added. "But at least for now, we need him in order to legitimize our new government and direct the military, so he must live until he is no longer needed."

"Martian forces have arrived," said Anatoly. "Are you sure it's wise to get them involved?"

"Their leader is my grandson," Xyero reassured with confidence. "We'll be fine."

Reginald wasted no time in pressing for clarity. "How is Mithra involved?" he demanded. "Explain yourself now."

"I requested military assistance from Mars to maintain order while the government is restructured," Xyero explained, his demeanor unwavering. "Right now, we need all the help we can get. Because of that, we would like the four of you to join our new Central Committee."

Reginald arched an eyebrow in surprise. "The four of us? You mean even those little cat people?" he queried, his skepticism evident.

"Of course," Xyero affirmed, his gaze shifting to Reinaldo and Norabel. "Please, introduce yourselves."

"I am Norabel, and my dear friend here is Reinaldo," said Norabel. "We would be delighted to assist you, provided that we are well taken care of."

"Splendid," Xyero declared, his eyes twinkling with enthusiasm. "As one of our first orders of business, we have to consider public image. The new Premier should be charismatic and appealing to the masses, and that should ideally be someone who wasn't part of the old government or these insurrections if we wish to quell unrest."

"That sounds like Reinaldo," said Norabel.

"Hey, you're right," Hadassah commented.

Reginald shot her a stern glance. "Shut up," he admonished, his tone terse.

But Xyero saw merit in Hadassah's observation, scooping up Reinaldo with a gentle smile. "Look at him. He's adorable," he remarked, his tone fond. "He'll be the perfect public face of our new government."

Norabel chimed in eagerly, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. "Reinaldo would make a fine leader, and I could be his loyal assistant and consort."

"Marvelous," said Anatoly.

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