Power Struggles

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Mithra had accomplished remarkably little early in life. He had assumed he was going to live forever, and thus figured he had no reason to rush anything. However, with the passage of time, he noticed he was aging, slowly but steadily. As he struggled to come to terms with his own mortality, he entered politics in hopes of leaving behind a legacy that would stand the test of time. Mithra had light brown skin and long silver hair that reached the floor. He wore a long white robe in which he kept concealed weapons and walked with an ornate cane. With his office secured, Mithra answered a transmission from Xyero.

"How are things on your end?" asked Mithra.

"Igor seems to have won over the favor of the rest of the Central Committee," said Xyero. "Most of our work is of course still focused on preparing for a revolt. But we would do well not to underestimate the power of our plant's mastery of manipulation."

"Even if your plan succeeds, you'll need to handle the chaos that's bound to follow."

"Things are moving slowly," said Xyero. "Still, we have been growing in strength. It will, however, be quite some time before we could even consider carrying out the final objective."

"Well, I have good news," said Mithra. "A proposal has been submitted to lift the embargo. It may take a few years before it comes up for discussion and a vote, but from the response after the initial submission, this one actually seems like it stands a good chance of getting passed. If and when that happens, we can send in reinforcements with greater ease."

"That would be great. I have your word that when you get what you want, I may return home."

"Of course. I don't blame you. My father got what he deserved for how he treated my mother. Still, some others don't see it that way. But once I have demonstrated my power, I will never again have to cave in to their demands. You will be able to come home to Mars."

"Thank you. I'm not sorry for killing your father, but I am sorry for all the trouble I caused for you. I had to avenge my daughter."

"What has your brother been up to, if I may ask?"

"Actually, he died. He had a human wife, Svetlana. She died, too."

"I'm sorry," said Mithra, "I didn't know. I've been so caught up with work."

"I don't have a personal life anymore. My nephew probably hates me for not being there for him, but there's nothing I can do for him."

"Your nephew?"

"His name is Nikita."

"I'm sorry for not keeping in touch with my family."

"Don't be sorry," said Xyero. "I never bring them up. I, too, am focused too much on work. It's all I have, though."

"I understand that."

"Nikita is living in Australia with some of his human family. He wanted me to look after him, but I felt he'd be better off without me in his life."

"Are you sure he'll be all right?" asked Mithra.

"His boyfriend is there with him."

"Well, that's nice. But are you really fine with abandoning him in a time of need?"

"I don't want to trouble anyone. I just want to get my work done so I can rest in peace beside my beloved wife and daughter. I must go." Xyero ended the transmission.

Meanwhile, Nathan was deeply focused on his ongoing game of laser tag. He wanted nothing to interfere. But, much to his dismay, Nathan was informed that Klevromar had shown up rather abruptly and requested an audience with him. Nathan felt obligated to meet with his old friend, despite other, more important business that needed to be attended to, which he was already ignoring to play laser tag.

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