Compassion and Understanding

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Mia did not immediately understand what she was seeing. "Evangeline?" Mia's voice quivered with fear and disbelief, but there was no response. She crouched down, her trembling hands reaching out to gently turn Evangeline's tear-streaked face toward her. The sight made her lightheaded, and she struggled to catch her breath. The severity of the situation slowly began to sink in. "Evangeline!"

Mia's mind raced, trying to find a solution. She searched frantically for any sign of medical supplies, but the room yielded none. Mia's gaze fell upon her knife, and with a deep breath, she proceeded to cut strips of fabric from Evangeline's skirt to fashion makeshift bandages. Mia then called Devara. "I need a medic!"

"I'll send a medical transport right away," Devara's reassuring voice responded.

Soon enough, Devara arrived at the scene, his expression a mix of concern and confusion. Not wasting any time, he smashed the window and jumped through. He found Mia with Evangeline. "What happened?"

"I don't know!" Mia cried. "I just found her like this."

"She needs attention immediately," Devara stated. " What's her blood type?"

"I don't know."

"We can find out. Is she safe to move?"

"I don't know. I think so."

Devara picked up Evangeline and carried her to the window, where a medic was waiting to take her to the medical transport ship. He went out the window, and Mia followed, grabbing Eris along the way. "Is she going to be all right?" Mia's voice trembled with anxiety.

"My occupation requires deception, but I don't like lying," said Devara. "I don't know."

They entered the ship, which promptly flew away. Mia turned to the medic, hoping for her to say something.

"She doesn't speak English," said Devara. "But I'll ask."

The medic concentrated on treating Evangeline's wounds, while having a long dialogue with Devara in Hindi. As they prepared to land in front of a hospital in Mumbai, Devara sat down beside Mia, who was clearly traumatized. "She'll probably be fine."

"What do you mean by 'probably?'"

"We'll have no trouble treating her physical wounds. You don't have to worry about that," Devara replied, attempting to soothe Mia's fears.

"Then, what's the issue?"

"This was a suicide attempt, no doubt about it."

"I don't understand. Are you saying she tried to kill herself? Why would she do that?"

The ship landed, and Evangeline was rushed away by the medic.

"Wait!" Mia cried. "Where are they taking her?"

"She needs a blood transfusion," Devara explained, trying to ease her worry. "Don't worry."

"I'm worried, and that's not about to change!" Mia's emotions overflowed, her voice strained with anguish.

Devara picked her up and carried her into the hospital. He set her down just outside the room where Evangeline was being treated. "Wait."

"I should be in there with her!"

"You'll be able to see her soon enough, but you have to wait until she's stable."

"I'll not get in the way, I promise."

"Let the doctors do their job," Devara insisted. "While they do that, you should give her some privacy. I'll have someone replace that broken window."

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