The United Galactic Confederation

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In Earth year 1980, with all scheduled visits completed, it was time to return to Mars. Nathan commissioned the construction of the colossal domed headquarters for the forum, now tentatively named the United Galactic Confederation. While that was underway, they prepared to take Schkalmfeld back to her home planet. The rest of the group had never met Schkalmfeld's bride-to-be, but they had all been told stories about her. Schkalmfeld had been away from Beilufa for a long time, and she worried about how things might have changed while she was gone. As the ship took off, Schkalmfeld looked back at Mars. It was beautiful, but it was not home. After traveling more than the aggregate of her entire species combined, it was time to return home.

"How are you feeling?" Olivia asked her.

"Anxious," Schkalmfeld signed. "I hope she's still as much in love with me as I am with her. I've been away from her for so long."

Olivia hugged Schkalmfeld. "From everything you've told me about her, I'm sure she will be."

As the ship approached Beilufa, Schkalmfeld looked out the window and saw her beautiful home planet. Overwhelmed with emotion, she began to cry. As the ship came in for a landing, a group of Witkili on the ground signaled to them where to land. As the ship touched down, many more onlookers gathered to greet them. Upon exiting the ship, Schkalmfeld felt a wave of love and joy wash over her as she saw her love standing before her. She ran to her and threw her arms around her. They kissed and held each other for a long time.

Meanwhile, Ruby, Henry, Olivia, Nathan, Aurelia, Ja, Io, and Ur were greeted by the Leader. By this time, he was rather old for a Witkili and his health was clearly failing. His breathing was heavy and could barely stand. His fur was silver in color and he had some bald patches. Still, he was clearly quite happy to see the visitors return with his daughter's bride.

"Shall we begin the ceremony?" the Leader signed.

"Right now?" his daughter signed.

"Why wait?" Schkalmfeld signed. "I've waited far too long."

"So have I. Let's do this."

The Leader guided the visitors to the area where the wedding would take place. All members of the Council were there, as were many other Witkili and some Reikapi, including Zanflopraw and Vesanplavak, who were also now a couple. Finally, Schkalmfeld and the Leader's daughter approached the Leader, who would be performing the marriage. The ceremony then officially began. It was fairly short and simple. The two acknowledged their intent to marry, and then the Leader presented them with a ceremonial psychedelic drink, which they drank. After that, the Leader proclaimed them to be married. Once Schkalmfeld and her wife were married, the guests were permitted to drink the ceremonial drink as well. A day of celebration followed, during which Schkalmfeld and her wife, along with Ruby, Henry, and Aurelia, became exceptionally intoxicated.

Soon after the celebration subsided, the Leader died. Then, it became necessary to select a new Leader. To the Council, the obvious choice was Schkalmfeld, as she was the greatest explorer in Witkili history and understood the mysteries of the universe better than any of them. Her wife, formerly known as "daughter of the Leader," was now known as "wife of the Leader." As per tradition, the previous Leader was skinned and cooked, to be eaten by the Council. Olivia, as a close friend of the new Leader, was offered the honor of taking part in eating the old Leader, and she accepted because she figured it would be rude to refuse, although she didn't like it and deeply regretted it as it made her feel rather ill. And so, his flesh was eaten, while his fur was fashioned into a cloak for Schkalmfeld and his bones were kept to be used for future spiritual, ceremonial, and decorative purposes. Following the ceremony, Nathan, Ruby, and Henry approached Schkalmfeld and her wife to ask if they would like to reconsider joining the planned Confederation.

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