Politics as Usual

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The initial tiny settlement on Mars had since expanded outward and become an important hub for commerce and travel. Nathan was not particularly fond of the recent direction of politics on Mars, but he had little choice but to comply with its government as long as he was there. He went to his office at the Confederation headquarters to meet with close friend, Ameajfeiaiaw Emperor Klevromar, who had evidently brought along his wife, Vwashijklam. They were dressed in pale pink royal attire, which contrasted with their deep blue skin, and their prehensile tails were intertwined.

"It's been too long since we last met," Klevromar said in his native language. "I know we met recently, but it's felt like an eternity."

"Are you flirting with me?" asked Nathan.

"You're as arrogant as always."

"So, how have things been?"

"Well, that talk we had a little while back convinced me I needed to change," said Klevromar. "You were right, I was much too harsh of a ruler. I eased restrictions on what the people could say and do, and as soon as I did that, Eyvtara started spreading propaganda calling for the return of the glorious bygone days of our military conquest and demanding my overthrow."

"I see how that could be a problem."

"He's overreacting," said Vwashijklam. "Our son is a good person with only the best of intentions. Klevromar is just too set in his ways to see that. Frankly, I think the Empire is in desperate need of change."

"Either shut up or go away," said Nathan. "Or better yet, both."

"Tread carefully, your next words may be your last."

"I couldn't die even if I wanted to. However, I am a bit of a masochist, so I welcome you to give your best try."

"How do you put up with him?" Vwashijklam asked Klevromar.

"He's much nicer when you're not around."

"That's just because he's always flirting with you."

"Not always," said Nathan. "Really, only occasionally."

"I still wish you'd stop," said Klevromar.

"Make me."

"I'm just not interested."

"That's not what you said on Qualaso."

"None of that meant anything."

"You can keep telling yourself that if you'd like."

"Enough," said Vwashijklam. "There is business to attend to, is there not?"

"My business is with your husband, not you," said Nathan.

"Nathan, shut up," said Klevromar. "Please. Unless, of course, you can learn to be respectful."

"You needn't worry. As it would happen, I am the most respectful person who ever lived."

"I find that hard to believe," said Vwashijklam.

"I didn't ask for your opinion."

Vwashijklam pulled a pin from her hair and stabbed Nathan with it repeatedly. Nathan looked at the strange blue substance oozing out of his wounds, took some of it in his hand, and licked it off.

"What is that?" asked Klevromar.

"I'm not really sure. I just know I'm filled with this blue jelly-like stuff, and it tastes good. What purpose it serves, I do not know. I have never been able to make any sense of my body's interior."

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