Family Matters

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Mia sat beside Evangeline, who was crouched down, hugging her knees. Mia slowly ran her fingers through Evangeline's golden-brown hair. Tears poured from Evangeline's emerald-green eyes, down her rosy cheeks. From inside the house was the sound of so-called parents yelling insults at Evangeline and destroying her possessions.

"I'll be going in to try talking with them again," said Mia, her body tense with resolve. "Stay out here." She gave Evangeline's shoulder a gentle squeeze before standing up.

"Be careful," said Evangeline, her voice filled with concern, and her eyes pleading.

"I'll be fine. I'm more worried about you. Just find a distraction and try to think happy thoughts if you can," Mia advised, giving Evangeline a reassuring smile before turning to enter the house.

Evangeline nodded, her eyes still brimming with tears, and she tried to compose herself as she watched Mia walk away. As Mia shouted various profanities inside the house, Evangeline decided to leave the yard for somewhere quieter, seeking solace away from the chaos.

Across the street, she spotted the old orange cat she called Sekhmet. Evangeline's eyes brightened as she ran over to greet her, meowing softly as she approached. Sekhmet flopped onto her side and rolled onto her back, staring up at Evangeline, who smiled warmly in response. Evangeline decided to lie down on the sidewalk next to Sekhmet, The two bumped heads affectionately, and Evangeline started petting Sekhmet, her movements gentle and loving. They cuddled and rolled around together, providing each other with much-needed comfort. Sekhmet purred, a calming sound that brought a small smile to Evangeline's face. She picked Sekhmet up and danced around with her, their joyful interaction briefly distracting her from the turmoil inside the house.

Then, Henrietta and Rico stopped by, interrupting the peaceful moment. "Excuse me, miss," said Henrietta.

Evangeline's body tensed up again, and she backed away slightly from the newcomers. She avoided looking directly at them, instead fidgeting with her hands, whining softly, and mumbling unintelligibly. Sekhmet ran away.

"Don't worry," said Henrietta. "We're not going to hurt you. I don't wish to cause you any trouble or make you uncomfortable. However, I'm a private investigator, and if you would be willing to answer some questions, it might really help out a lot. You don't have to answer anything you don't want to, and you can stop anytime you want."

"I guess I can do that," said Evangeline, her voice soft and uncertain. Her hands trembled slightly, and she glanced back at the house.

"For the record, can you state your name and your age?" Henrietta inquired gently.

"Evangeline Martella. I'm eight years old."

"Could you tell me what your relation is to Mia Donegal?"

"Mia Donegal. Well, since my parents are her legal guardians, I guess we're kind of like sisters, but I never really thought of her like that. More of a very close and intimate friend."

"What can you tell me about her?" asked Henrietta.

"About her. She's pretty," said Evangeline. "She's also really smart. And she's nice, too, but not always in the most obvious ways."

"Does the name 'Lyra O'Reilly' mean anything to you?"

"Lyra O'Reilly. I think it sounds pretty."

"What I meant to ask is do you know anyone who has ever gone by that name?" asked Henrietta. "Or does it perhaps sound familiar?"

"Sound familiar. Not that I know of."

"Do you know anything about any recent terrorist attacks? Specifically, the one at Windsor?"

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