Twin Moms

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It wasn't a day to dread, but it wasn't really a day Grimmjow, and surprisingly you , were not really looking forward too.

In the letter the kids had brought home weeks ago, it said it would be nice if the children were to bring their parents to school so everyone could meet.

"What a stupid day." Grimmjow cursed under his breath. Which were your thoughts exactly.

When the day had arrived, Grimmjow and you had accompany the kids to school, and followed them into their class. Their class was filled with drawings, toys, small tables, and other children things. While all the other parents smiled at the look of the classroom, Grimmjow scowled.

The parents had sat in the small chairs, along with the small tables as each child introduced their family to the class. Neither Grimmjow or you payed much attention because Grimmjow kept fidgeting, and you kept telling him to stop.

"Ryuuji, Aimi. It's your turn to introduce your parents." The teacher said with a smile. Instantly, the kids had gone to the front of the class as they each held up a drawing of their family.

"Introduce yourselves." The teacher said with the same smile as she guided them to what to say.

"I'm Ryuuji Jaegerjaquez!"

"I'm Aimi Jaegerjaquez."

"Now introduce your mom and dad."

"Our daddy is Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. He's our Chief Blueberry!" Ryuuji introduced with a smile, causing you to quickly cover Grimmjow's mouth before he could say anything vulgar.

"And our mommy is Kagami Jaegerjaquez. Mommy likes to call us blueberries cause of our blue hair." Aimi explained, causing Grimmjow to glare at you. He blames you for the blueberry comment.

The kids continued to talk about what they do as a family, how you pick them up after school now instead of Grandpa Kisuke [Who is still playing as Grimmjow's father...], how Grimmjow plays with them while you cook dinner, and how you tell them a story every night.

Just as you thought the kids were done explaining about their family, they said the most unusual thing.

"Sometimes we have 2 mommies." Ryuuji said with a smile. This made you glare at Grimmjow who instantly sat up his chair. What were his kids saying?!

"Oh, Ryuuji, maybe we should save it for next time." The teacher attempted, she didn't want any family business coming in.

"Oh yeah, our 2 mommies look the same. Our 2nd mommy always come out of our 1st mommy like magic." Aimi continued, causing you and Grimmjow to stare at them in disbelief.

"Ok kids, you can tell us that story next time ok?" The teacher asked.


Going home, you didn't know what to say to the kids. Or how to bring up the subject of what they had said in class.

"Hey brats, what's this shit about 2 moms?" Grimmjow bluntly asked... Good job Grimmjow.

"We have 2 mommies daddy! And they look exactly the same!"

"Yeah our other mommy comes out of mommy like magic! So we have 2 mommies. Except mom doesn't see her cause she's sleeping whenever she comes out."

You stared in disbelief, you couldn't believe what you were hearing.

"What does the 2nd mommy look like?" You asked.

"Like you." They answered at the same time. ... Wow. "But she wears all black." Aimi answered.

"And she always run out of the house as soon as she comes out." Ryuuji said. "Before we use to see 2 daddies. Except he wore all white."

"Daddy never sees him cause he always falls asleep on the floor. Or he acts funny." Aimi finished.

You and Grimmjow simply stared at each other. How were to explain things to them now?

That night as soon as the kids had fallen asleep, you called Urahara.

"Hello, Urahara Shop."

"Urahara- san, it's Kagami."

"Ahh! Kagami- chan! How are you? How's my son?" Urahara said into the phone delightfully.

"The kids can see me and Grimmjow out of our gigais."

"Ohh... That was fast."


Ending [Grimmjow X OC: Sequel to Commitment]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang