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It was a lil strange for the twins to want to do different things, but this time they did.

You were walking around the grocery store with Ryuuji, who insisted he help you shop, while Grimmjow wanted fresh air, and his lil girl, Aimi, followed.

Across the grocery store was a playground, so Grimmjow figured he could take Aimi there for the time being. And he could sit and relax.

"Let's go." Grimmjow said as he picked her up. "You can play in the park while I rest."

"Okay." Aimi answered, although her answer didn't sound 100% sure, she usually didn't go anywhere without Ryuuji.

But her feelings changed the moment they reached the playground, and she was already off playing, while Grimmjow sat on the bench and just watched... mostly resting.

Meanwhile, Ryuuji was helping pick you pick out certain foods, and helping decide what was for dinner tonight. Although it usually just leads back to steak.

Aimi ran in the sand, climbing the jungle gym and sliding down. She was having fun on her own, even though there was other kids. But then she saw a woman, a stranger, sit beside her dad and start talking to him. All of a sudden, she wasn't very happy.

"So which one is yours?" The young woman asked with a smile, she was simply staring small talk. But Grimmjow didn't want small talk, he wanted to rest!

"The one with the blue hair." Grimmjow grumbled.

"Oh." The woman answered, already seeing the lil girl running towards them already.

Grimmjow raised an eyebrow, what was wrong?

Aimi stretched her arms for Grimmjow to pick her up, which he did. She stood on his lap and wrapped her small arms around Grimmjow's neck to hug him.

"Aww, she looks so sweet." The woman cooed as Grimmjow held onto her.

"Let's go brat." Grimmjow said as he stood up and started walking back to the grocery store, he didn't even say bye to the woman. He just got up and left.

They returned to the grocery store to see Ryuuji and you picking snacks for the kids.

"You weren't gone long." You commented as you looked at your watch. "You were only gone 10 minutes."

"I took Aimi to the park, she got bored." Grimmjow shrugged. "Maybe she thinks the park fcukin' sucks."

You laughed back.

"Where did you go?" Ryuuji asked his sister, as they both carried a cereal box each, back to the cart.

"I saved dad from a witch." Aimi replies with a smile.

"No way!" Ryuuji exclaimed. "What she look like?!"

"She didn't look nice! And she wasn't nice! She was trying to eat dad's soul, so I went and saved him and brought him back." Aimi explained. "I think she's outside still, so we have to protect dad."

"Okay, we'll protect him."

After paying for everything, and carrying the bags back to the house, they walked pass the park.

"There she is." Aimi whispered to Ryuuji, pointing at a pretty blonde woman.

"You're right, she doesn't look nice." Ryuuji answered back.

Grimmjow and you just stared from the back at their kids who were simply whispering to each other, while throwing discerned looks at the park.

"Maybe you're right, maybe that park does suck." You whispered to Grimmjow.

"Fcukin' told you." Grimmjow replied.

Ending [Grimmjow X OC: Sequel to Commitment]Where stories live. Discover now