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Rose 🌹

I threw my keys on the table before sliding into the booth and giving Garrett my biggest smile. 

"You're late" 

"Hello to you too Gare" I grabbed one of the laminated menus and studied it "It really wasn't my fault this time. I was squaring away some last minute things with my student" 

He sighed and called Milly, our waitress and the owner of the local Diner, over. 

She beamed when she saw me "Hi Honey! How're you? How's your uncle?" 

 "I'm fine. He's good. How are you Mills?" 

"I'm fine Honey, just taking it day by day" she looked at the menu in my hand "Whatcha having today? The usual?" 

I shook my head  "Nah, my uncle's probably cooking dinner right now. He'd be super mad if I ate any of your delicious food" 

She laughed "You sure?" 

I nodded "I'll just take that milkshake Garrett ordered for me" 

"Nonsense" she whacked me on the head gently with her notepad "I'll make you a fresh one. Nothing but the best for my girl" 

"Thanks Mills!" I said to her retreating form. 

Garrett looked at me in amusement "You two are weird" 

"But you love us!" Milly called out

I winked "What she said" 

He rolled his eyes "Hey, I almost forgot. How's your dad?" 

I shrugged "Don't know. Haven't really had the chance to speak to him this week" 

"Ro..." he grabbed my hand from across the table "Are you still upset with him?" 

I pulled my hand away "Wouldn't you be too if your only parent dropped you off at your uncle's house because he didn't have time to take care of you?" 

"He had a reason" Garrett tried to reason with me 

I raised an eyebrow "Oh really? And do tell, oh wise one, What could more important than his own daughter" 

"I'm not saying your not important Ro" Garrett raised an eyebrow "I'm just saying that he works hard for you" 

He pointed to my car and lifted up my car keys "You wouldn't have a nice car or stuff if he really didn't care about you" 

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