T H I R T Y - O N E

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"Princess," Dahl's voice was calm and sorrowful "I'm sorry but he's..." 

Before Dahl could even finish that statement, Grey's huge Wolf body sprung up and latched onto Lord Sym's upper torso, just as he was reaching down to reclaim his stuck spear embedded into Grey's body. 

Lord Sym cried out as Grey shook him, hard, from side-to-side before throwing him outside of the Sacred Circle.

Grey slumped against the floor, his wolf body twitching as it became smaller and smaller until he was human again. 

"GREYSON!" I cried out, breaking out of Dahl's hold and crawling towards him. 

His naked body was covered in blood and his breathing was worse now than it was before. 

Lady Wynter stood over him, her eyes filled with pity. 

"Touch him and I'll kill you" I snarled from the outside of the circle, wishing for the damn thing to drop so that I could go to him. 

She bowed to me before voluntarily stepping outside of the light boundary. 

The Sacred Circle dropped and I ran to him, almost slipping on the tremendous amount of blood on the floor. 

"Grey baby" I tapped his face and his eyes fluttered open before promptly closing "Wake up. Open those pretty eyes that I love so much."

His eyes fluttered open longer this time before closing just as fast, and he gave me a grimaced smile. 

"I never thought...in my wildest dreams..." he wheezed out "That I would hear you call me baby"

I chuckled softly, tears filling my eyes as I tried to staunch as much blood as I could. 

"Don't get use to it" I sniffled "I still have plenty of other nicknames to try out on you that I think you'll like more." 

He chuckled softly before groaning out in pain. 

"At least my scars will match" he said lightly, referring to the scar he got on his left side during a car accident we got into when we were fourteen. 

A scar that should have been mine if he didn't willingly curl his body around mine to protect me from severe damage. 

"I told you I would win" he wheezed out "Do I get my celebratory kiss now?"

I held my sob in. 

"You'll get it when you're better" I said wobbly "That way, you'll enjoy it more" 

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