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3 Days before Halloween

"Ugh!" I spun around on my desk chair "What am I going to do?"

There was a knock on my door and I turned

"Can I come in?" Jesse said

"Sure" I groaned, banging my head on my desk

"What's up Rosie?" my Aunt asked before plopping on my bed

"I can't find a Halloween costume" I whined, spinning to look at her

"Why do you need one? she asked

"Because of the Green's Annual Halloween Party" I said

"Okay" she said "Why don't you wear what you wore last year?"

"My Pikachu onesie?" I snorted "No way!"

"Why not?" she asked, confusion written all over her face "It's cute on you. Besides, you wear it for every Halloween"

"But I don't want to wear it this year" I muttered

"Why not?"

I stood and grabbed a textbook "No reason"

"Hmmm..." she scrutinized me and I squirmed under her gaze.

Suddenly her eyes got wide

"Greyson asked you out!" she yelled excitedly

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I turned, a blush creeping up on my neck

My Aunt jumped up and off the bed "I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!"

"Shush!" I threw a notepad at her "Be quiet or else my Uncle will hear your!"

"Who cares!" she jumped on my bed like a madwoman "Rosie and Grey sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First comes love, then comes marriage then comes a gorgeous baby with blueish hazel green eyes and curly brown hair in a baby carriage" she sang

I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her "Quiet!"

She started to sing again "Rosie and Grey..."

"That's it!" I knocked her over

She snickered

"Shut up" I whined "It's not funny"

"Oh, I'm not laughing because of that" she continued to snicker "I'm laughing because of how cute you're acting over a boy"

"Stop" I whined more, hiding my face in my pillow

"Don't be embarrassed Rosie" she sobered up "I think it's cute that you're finally giving the poor boy a chance"

"We're friends" I emphasized "Nothing more"

"Uh huh" she smirked "Then why are you so worried about a Halloween costume"

"I...uh" I stammered

She giggled

"Get out!" I said, hiding my blush with a pillow

She jumped up and walked away.

Just when I thought I was clear of her, she poked her head back in

"If I were you, I would be a fairy" she suggested "You're small, tiny, and have a magical quality uniqueness to you"

With that, she smiled and disappeared

"A fairy huh" I muttered to myself "That's not a bad idea" 

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