T W E N T Y - F O U R

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I reared my head back "Faevhalla?"

Oak nodded and started his way up the beach 

"Wait!" I called out, wringing out my dress as I sped walk toward him "What exactly is Faevhalla?" 

"And where exactly here?" Greyson asked, shaking the water from his hair. 

"Faevhalla is the world in between the human realm and the obscurity" 

"The obscurity?" I asked, catching up with his long strides 

"The obscurity is the realm in which humans don't understand" He slowed before brushing some foliage aside "Like demons, vampires, exiled fae..." 

He made a gesture with his hand that said "So on and so forth" 

My mouth hung open and I looked at Greyson 

"Did you know about this?" 

"I knew there must have been other species out there but my family nor I never encountered any" 

Oak snorted "I wonder why"

"What's that supposed to mean?" 

Oak ignored him 

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked since it was obvious that Oak wouldn't answer Greyson 

Oak glanced at me "The Queen will reveal all in time Princess" 

"Why do you keep calling me that?" I asked, nearly slipping on... Snow? 

"What the Hell?" I said, glancing at the exceptionally white snow covering the ground

"Saison rivage" he started "Divides the Four seasons" 

He pointed backwards "Where we came from, was a transition mark from Summer to Winter" 

"But when we left, if was Fall" I looked around spreading my arms out and catching the snow 

He shrugged "It all depends on where we land in the Rivage" 

"So if we would have landed farther East..." 

"We would have be engulfed in Spring" 

I started to shiver 

"Is...there...any chance...we could...maybe...get a change of...clothes?" I asked 

Greyson stepped closer, wrapping his arm around me 

He was exceptionally warm 

"So the body heat things about Wolves are true?" I asked 

He chuckled 

"We don't run hotter than humans but we can increase our body temperatures depending on the weather" 

"We are here Princess" he said, nodding toward the beautiful glass castle embedded into side of a waterfall. 

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Although the Castle was amazing and beautiful in itself, what had me gasping was the four divisions of the seasons clearly outlined on each side of the castle. 

"While Saison Rivage divides the Four Seasons, Le Château de verre unites them again, keeping balance in the world" 

I snorted "Ironic name" 

"What?" Greyson asked 

"Le Château de verre was the name of an old French Movie I used to watch with Nana Belle all the time" I whispered, bringing up long forgotten memories "She loved that movie since she was a teen" 

"What does it mean?" 

"The Glass Castle" a soft and musical voice said from behind us "Welcome Home my precious Fleur" 


Hey Wolfies!!

I know I have updated in a while but not that my other book, "Wolf Moon" is ending, I have more time to work on my other books. 

Which is this one!! 

Hold on you to seat belts my little Wolfies because you are about to be on a wild ride!

Lots of Love, 


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