T W E N T Y - N I N E

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"He doesn't even know the rules" I hissed at the Evil Queen when she urged me to sit for the tenth time in the last three minutes. 

"He read them over your shoulder" Dahl's gruff voice sounded from his perch against the marble column "He knows the rules." 

"Well, what are they?" I sneered as I continued to pace back and forth, waiting for someone, ANYONE, to make a move. 

Dahl's eyes nodded towards the floor. 

I looked down and saw glowing symbols etched on the white marble. 

"The objective of the Challenge is to eliminate your opponents by pushing them outside of the sacred circle" 

"Or killing them" The Queen said nonchalantly. 

"KILLING THEM?" I screeched, turning my attention towards her "You would have your own people kill each other? And for what? A right to secure your precious throne is in the hands of faeries instead of a wolf?" 

She shrugged, her shoulders moving up delicately. 

There was a snarl and I whipped my head around to see what I missed, my heart lurching to my throat when I saw blood oozing from Greyson's side, matting up his pretty gray fur. 

His Wolf was magnificent, and if I saw it on any other occasion, I would have definitely taking the time to see if he was as soft as he look. 

Oddly enough, I wasn't scared of him. I was more shocked that he and his entire family, including my best friend, managed to keep this a secret from me. 

In all honesty, I was more disappointed in my detective skills for not figuring out their secret sooner. 

Grey snarled again and I was surprised to watch as the female fae use her glass staff and knock out the Autumn color looking fae. 

The faes mouth opened in surprised as he tumbled outside of the perimeter. 

When he tried to re-enter the battle, a beam of light shot out and zapped him in the chest, sending him flying through a window. 

I narrowed my eyes at the fae woman who was helping my man take down another one of her kind, trying to gauge her ulterior motives. 

"Whose the woman?" I asked, not really caring who answered. 

Her outfit was decorated in white, gray, and baby blue colors which really complimented her espresso skin color. Her white hair was braided intricately down her back and reached past her shoulders. When she smirked as her fellow faes fist missed her face by half an inch, her aqua eyes lit up mischievously. 

MATESOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora