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"What do you mean?" Sky asked in confusion "How can you stop Rose from making friends with anyone" 

I laughed 

"Why don't you ask Kaden? I'm using the same method he did to keep all the guys away from you" 

Kaden shot me a murderous look and I laughed even harder. 

"Kaden..." Sky warned "What is Greyson talking about?" 

"Nothing" Kaden said quickly "You can't trust a word he says! He's a pathological liar and he fails all his classes!" 

"Hey!" I exclaimed "What does that have to do with anything?" 

"Just showing her how unreliable you are" 

"Anyways..." I swirled my soda with my straw "As much as I enjoy this little Lover's spat, I think it's best if you save it for when you get home. Besides, don't you want to know why Rose only has my brother as one of her best friends?" 

She glared at Kaden before motioning for me to continue.

"It's quite simple, actually" I laid my head in my hand and smiled "When it came down to it, Garrett was the only really option I had regarding guy friends for Rose. It helped that he was my twin and just as protective as I am" 

"What did you do" Sky asked hesitantly "Please tell me you didn't do what I thinking you did?" 

"Well, what do you think I did?" 

She closed her eyes "You chased them off, didn't you?" 

I smiled "You got half of that right" 

"What's the other half" Kaden asked hesitantly 

"Well...chasing off potential suitors for Rose worked for some guys but not all. Some guys actually found that me chasing them off was like some sort of challenge. They kept trying to go for her until I finally found a way for them to back off" 

"Uh oh" Sky winced "I have a feeling Rose won't like this" 

"I don't like this" Kaden muttered "And I don't even know what it is yet" 

"Do you losers want to hear it or not?" I grinned 

"Yeah, we want to hear it" 

"Anyways, I kind of sort of lied and said Rose was going to finish High School before starting her life long dream of becoming a Nun" I grinned 

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