Un-wanted (Chapter's 17 & 18)

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Once again sorry for the wait! Please forgive <3, I had GCSE exams but i'll still upload , lol.


Chapter 17

I felt like singing, Lewis knew i was pregnant and was happy! I just couldn’t believe it.

I crossed the road and passed a mother and father holding her child’s hand. That’s going to be me soon, i thought to myself. Mike said i should be back by 5-ish but it is already half past six, i didn’t want him to be worried so i sped up my walk trying to get to the flat quickly. I reached the front door of the flat and knocked on the door.

I could hear shouting from the inside of the door. It sounded like Natalie and Mike.

Told me not to knock on the door yet so i leant my ear on the door.

I would never cheat on you Natalie! I know I was a player in high school but I’ve changed my ways now, I love you!

I saw the way you looked at Lucy, she’s my sister! Just tell me the truth Mike we can work through this!

Are you thick or something?! I just said that I love you! Ok?! Stop acting dumb I’m not cheating on you, and with your sister!? Come on Nat’s!

I burst through the front door to find Mike and Natalie literally inches away from each others faces. I’ve never seen my brother look so desperate in his life, and Natalie

, She usually looked so on point but at that moment she looked just as bad as mike. Her chest was still heaving up and down and her hair looked like it was about to escape her bun. They immediately stopped arguing when I walked in and tried to act like nothing happened.

“What’s going on?” I slowly ask them walking towards them.

“Nothing” Mike replied dully before turning away from her.

A moment passed before i asked again stepping between both of them.”Nothing Jess just go to the guest bedroom”


“Just go!” he shouts at me before putting a hand over his head. He looked really annoyed and upset so I decided to go into the bedroom. I slammed the door behind me and plopped on the bed. What was going on? This time last year I would be probably sitting on the sofa watching a film, pigging out on pizza and putting toothpaste on my spots. Where am I now?

There arguing quietens and I hear Natalie sniffing a lot and blowing her nose, my brothers trying to console her but I don’t think it’s helping, like rubbing salt into a wound. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I mindlessly checked it.

On my sweet sixteen i'm a PREGNANT TEEN!Where stories live. Discover now